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Section 1.3: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Part 2

1.3.4 The Display Data Function: showm

The names you put into cnms are used in the display of the flow rates produced by the function showm. The showm function gives a compact display of all flow rates in the streams that enter and leave a unit. There are four arguments to showm. Comments in the function tell what each argument specifies. The working part of showm is a single line that calls a much longer function called dsplay.



Note that the listing of this and many other Matlab programs is color coded to help you see important parts of the program. This coding came from the PC version of Matlab 5.1 and includes:

  • Blue is used to designate key Matlab words such as function, if, return, and end.
  • Green is used to show all comments
  • Red is used to show strings
  • Black is used for all else

We hope this coding will be helpful, but we know it will cause one difficulty. You can not copy lines of code from such listings to a text editor where you might want to use them. You can find all the programs in the ceng301 matlab directory and copy from those files.

The function called by showm, dsplay, returns a character matrix. If you want to store the character array returned by dsplay in a file, you may use the function mprintc for that purpose. The comments in mprintc tells us how this is done.

   >> help mprintc 

   function mprintc(c,f)
   Stores in the file f,
    the character array c.
   If file f already has information in it
    the new data is added on.
   Ex: mprintc(['abc';'123'],'t.t')
    will add the lines:
    to the contents of the file: t.t

The function showm will be demonstrated for each of the four types of modules described in this section of the notes. The result of using help on dsplay is shown below:

   >> help dsplay 

   function c=dsplay(in,out,s,d)
    Argument List:
    Argument    Gives
      in     the inlet stream numbers.
      out    the exit stream numbers
       s     the number of spaces for each flow.
       d     the number of decimals to display flows.
     ex: cmix=dsplay([1 2],3,10,3)

We will see that showm presents the table of flows transposed from what we saw in our previous flow tables. This was done because the function normally will need to show only a small number of streams while the number of compounds is unlimited. The reactor module involves only two streams and the separator three. The mixer and splitter could involve any number of streams but more than four would be quite unusual. Thus the table was easier to format with the molar flows in each stream arranged in a column. In contrast the number of streams in an entire plant is most likely to exceed the number of compounds being separated. Thus the original Table of Flows for a Plant had each stream information in a row.

1.3.5 The Separator Function: sep

The function sep simulates the behavior of a separator. It takes one inlet stream and separates it into two outlet streams. Three arguments must be given to sep:

  1. t, is a vector that gives the fraction of each component of the inlet stream which goes to the first outlet stream;
  2. in, is the stream index (used in ns) of the inlet stream;
  3. out, is a vector with two elements that are the indices (used in ns) of the outlet streams.

The help notes for the function tell us:

  Sep: mass-balance separator module
  function sep(t,in,out)
  Simulates the behavior of a separator. It takes one inlet stream
    and separates it into two outlet streams.
  Argument    Gives
    t(j)   the fraction of ns(in,j) that goes
           to the first outlet stream. Can be a vector.
     in    the index of the inlet stream.
    out    the indices of the two exit streams.
  The exit streams are ordered.
  For additional help and picture, see PICSEP
  Example: >> sep([0.2 0.3 0.8 0.5],1,[2 3])
    Would separate stream 1 (which contains 4 compounds: a,b,c,d)
           into exit streams 2 and 3
     Stream 2 is the first outlet stream because it is the
           the first stream specified in the vector, out (3rd argument
           of sep)
           and would get 20% of cmpd a in Stream 1
                         30% of cmpd b in Stream 1
                         80% of cmpd c in Stream 1
                         50% of cmpd d in Stream 1
     Stream 3 is the other outlet stream and would get the remaining
           amounts of the cmpds
  NOTE that the sum of the t vector does NOT necessarily equal one!

A picture and full listing of the program may be found in section 5.1.

The first five lines of code in sep check to see that the user has given the correct amount of data in the first argument. The two lines that do all the calculations in sep are quite straight forward. The first line does an element by element multiply of the vector t with the vector of flows for the inlet stream. This result becomes the flow rates for the first exit stream. All of the rest of the flow in the inlet stream is put into the second exit stream.

The following problem is easily solved with sep. We have a small plant with five streams and four compounds. One of the units is a distillation tower that separates the four compounds. The streams to and from the unit and the compound names are given below together with the separation achieved in the unit.

   Stream    Name      Component      Name     Fraction of Feed 
                                               sent to Distillate
     3       Feed          1        propane         0.99
     2     Distillate      2        i-butane        0.75
     4      Bottoms        3        n-butane        0.25
                           4        i-pentane       0.01

The names were entered using start301 using option (1) Other, using no compound data:

   >> start301

   1: Click (1) to start a new session
   2: Click (2) to enter the name of a datafile from
      a previous session, in the current directory
   3: Click (3) to use compound names not in the CENG 301 database
      WARNING...if you hit (3) no compound data will be available

           <-- (3) was the selection for this example

   You have chosen to not use any compound data
   If you wish to enter data for a compound, exit (control-C)
   then execute "create", then run a "new session", choice (1)

   Enter the number of compounds: 4
   Compound names must be less than 25 characters long!
   Give the name of compound # 1: propane
   Compound names must be less than 25 characters long!
   Give the name of compound # 2: i-butane
   Compound names must be less than 25 characters long!
   Give the name of compound # 3: n-butane
   Compound names must be less than 25 characters long!
   Give the name of compound # 4: i-pentane

           <-- choice (3) was necessary since i-butane is not 
               a recognized compound

   Enter the number of streams: 5
   >> who
     Your variables are:
     cnms   nc   nst   ns

The feed flowrates were set by:

   >> ns(3,:)=[20 30 30 20] 
   ns =
      0     0     0     0
      0     0     0     0
     20    30    30    20
      0     0     0     0
      0     0     0     0

The inlet stream is number 3 and the outlet streams are 2 and 4. The out argument in sep is given with the "top" or distillate stream number then the "bottom". The choice of which is the top and which the bottom is arbitrary, but the one designated in the top position must be the one for which we give the fractions in the first argument. To achieve the separation specified we then call sep by:

   >> sep([.99 .75 .25 .01],3,[2 4])

Note the use of '[' and ']' to make the first and last arguments into vectors. This is required and will be repeated frequently in MATLAB. Then our flow matrix lists as:

   >> ns
   ns =
	    0         0         0         0
      19.8000   22.5000    7.5000    0.2000
      20.0000   30.0000   30.0000   20.0000
       0.2000    7.5000   22.5000   19.8000
	    0         0         0         0

This information is more readable as presented by showm. All we need to tell it is the stream information: 3, [2 4] as it was given to sep. We also need to tell how much printing space each flow will occupy and the number of decimal places as in:

   >> showm(3,[2 4],10,1)
   Compound    Inlet     |           Outlet            
       Stream         3  |        2         4   Total  
   propane         20.0  |     19.8       0.2      20.0
   isobutane       30.0  |     22.5       7.5      30.0
   n-butane        30.0  |      7.5      22.5      30.0
   isopentane      20.0  |      0.2      19.8      20.0
   Total          100.0  |     50.0      50.0     100.0

We may enter this data into our Flow Table to see that after the separator analysis we know the flows in 3 of our five streams.

Plant with a Separator

Table of Molar Flow Rates

Comp No.







From Unit*

To Unit*


































We could solve for the flow rates in a part of our plant because we knew the right information. We knew the flow rates of all compounds in the feed and the fraction of each compound sent overhead. A mass balance on each compound then found the flow in the bottom stream. Rarely is the situation that simple. Even in a distillation unit where we know all information about the feed stream, we may have data that specifies only a part of any other stream. The analysis can still be done if we have the right amount of information, but it usually requires more effort.

1.3.6 The Splitter Function: split

The function split simulates the behavior of a splitter. It takes an inlet stream and splits it into n branches. Each branch will have the same composition as the inlet stream. Three arguments must be given to split:

1) t, gives the fraction of the incoming stream which goes to each branch. Therefore, sum(t) must equal 1.0;
2) in, is the index of the inlet stream;
3) out, is a vector whose elements give the indices of the outlet streams.

The help notes for the function give more information:

  split: mass-balance splitter module
  function split(t,in,out)
  Argument List
  Argument      Gives
     t     the fraction of the inlet stream
           that goes to each exit stream.      
    in     the index of the inlet stream.
    out    the indices of the exit streams.
  Ex: split([.2 .3 .5],1,2:4)
    would split stream 1 into streams 2, 3 and 4.
    Stream 2 would get 20% of the flow, 
    stream 3 would get 30% and stream 4 the rest.

A flow diagram and full listing of split may be seen in Section 5.2.

Most of the lines of code in split check the arguments to make sure that they are consistent. A loop is used to set the flow in each outlet stream in exactly the way that the comments suggest.

Let's do Example Problem 2.17 in the text. There are four streams and three components.

      Component    Name      Stream    Name     Flow
          1        malt         1      Feed     1000
          2        hops         2    Branch 2   F2 = 2F3.
          3       water         3    Branch 3   F3 
                                4    Branch 4   F4 = 3F3.


The names must be put into cnms and make space for four streams in ns. We can do this with start301, selection (1) Other without creating a data file by:

   >> start301
   Copyright 1998 Rice University  
   All rights reserved

   1: Click (1) to start a new session
   2: Click (2) to enter the name of a datafile from
      a previous session, in the current directory
   3: Click (3) to use compound names not in the CENG 301 database
      WARNING...if you hit (3) no compound data will be available

   You have chosen to not use any compound data
   If you wish to enter data for a compound, exit (control-C)
   then execute "create", then run a "new session", choice (1)

   Enter the number of compounds: 3

   Compound names must be less than 25 characters long!
   Give the name of compound # 1: malt
   Compound names must be less than 25 characters long!
   Give the name of compound # 1: hops
   Compound names must be less than 25 characters long!
   Give the name of compound # 1: water

   Enter the number of streams: 5
   >> who
   Your variables are:
   cnms      nc        ns        nst 


Let the streams be numbered as in Figure 2.27 so the index of the inlet stream is 1 and the vector of outlet indices is: [2 3 4] or 2:4.

The inlet stream flowrates are given by:

   >> ns(1,:)=[200 100 700] 
   ns =
      200   100   700
        0     0     0
        0     0     0
        0     0     0

Since the flowrate of branch 2 is twice the flowrate of branch 3 and the flowrate of branch 4 is three times the flowrate of branch 3, the fractions of the feed sent to each exit stream are:

      [2 1 3]/6

Now, execute the program split.

>> split([2 1 3]/6,1,2:4)

Let's look at the flows:

>> showm(1,2:4,10,2) 
   Compound  Inlet     |                Outlet                 
     Stream         1  |        2         3         4   Total  
   malt        200.00  |    66.67     33.33    100.00    200.00
   hops        100.00  |    33.33     16.67     50.00    100.00
   water       700.00  |   233.33    116.67    350.00    700.00
   Total      1000.00  |   333.33    166.67    500.00   1000.00

The problem asks for the flowrates of each of the branches. These are shown in the Total row as: 333.3, 166.7, and 500. We can also enter these calculated values in a Table of Flows for a Splitter.

Plant with a Splitter

Table of Mass Flow Rates

Comp No.






From Unit*

To Unit*

























Since we knew the feed flow rates, the fractions sent to each exit stream was sufficient to tell how much of each species was in each exit stream.

Section 1.3: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

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Last modified July 22, 1998.