Dr. Haiyang LI

Area Coordinator of The Strategy & Environment Group

H. Joe Nelson III Professor of Management

Professor of Strategic Management and Innovation

Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business

Rice University

6100 Main Street

Houston, TX 77005

Phone: 713-348-4194      Fax: 713-348-6331

E-mail: haiyang@rice.edu



Co-Founding Editor, Quarterly Journal of Management

Haiyang LI's Short BIO


What is NEW!


1.      The 10th Rice Strategy Symposium on Emerging Markets (May 12-13, 2022, Houston)

To register, please visit https://business.rice.edu/strategysymposium


2.      My case "GE China Technology Center: Evolving role in global innovation" (with R. Chung, 2015. Ivey Publishing, Product No.: 9B15M099) won 2016 EFMD Case Competition Award (Bringing technology to market category).


3.      My 2010 paper published in the Strategic Management Journal (Vol. 31, No. 1) entitled, "Innovation search of new ventures in a technology cluster: The role of ties with service intermediaries " [download] has been selected to receive the 2016 Greif Research Impact Award.


This annual award (launched in 2007) recognizes an entrepreneurship paper that appeared in the top-tier management and entrepreneurship journals six years ago and received the highest citations (based on the Social Science Citations Index) in the five years following publication. Please visit the following website to learn more about the award methodology, database that underlies the award, and previous award winners:



4.      Co-Founding Editor, Quarterly Journal of Management(管理学季刊), a newly launched

top tier management journal in Chinese: http://bus.sysu.edu.cn/qjm/



5.      Jones Partners Thought Leadership Series "Innovation for the Bottom of the Pyramid: In China and for the World"

by Xiangli Chen and Haiyang Li, November 9, 2015, Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University.


6.      Expert viewpoints: Innovation reform: China's changing posture toward supporting innovation.







               Ph.D.               City University of Hong Kong

Major Field: Innovation and Strategic Management
Dissertation Title: Marketing Strategy and New Venture Performance in China's Transitional Economy


               M.A.                Renmin University of China (Business Economics)


               B.A.                 Renmin University of China (Economics)




2021 - Present




H. Joe Nelson III Professor of Management

Professor of Strategic Management and Innovation

Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University


2017 - Present



2014 - Present

Area Coordinator, Strategy & Environment Group

Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University


Professor of Strategic Management and Innovation

Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University


2012 - 2013

Visiting Associate Professor (on sabbatical), CEIBS, China


2008 - 2014

Associate Professor (with tenure)

Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University


2005 - 2008

Assistant Professor

Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University


2001 - 2005

Assistant Professor

Department of Management, Texas A&M University


1999 - 2001

Assistant Professor

Department of Marketing & International Business, Lingnan University, Hong Kong


1998 - 1999

Research Fellow

Department of Management, City University of Hong Kong






Technology Entrepreneurship and New Ventures Strategies

Strategic Innovation and Strategic Alliances

Multinationals' Innovation Globalization in Emerging Markets

Product Innovation and Project Team Management in Technology-Based Firms



Digital Transformation

Strategic Innovation Management

Strategic Management

Doing Business in China





1.      Li, Haiyang & Chung, R. 2015. GE China Technology Center: Evolving role in global innovation. Ivey Publishing, Product No.: 9B15M099.

This case describes how GE has developed its China Technology Center (CTC) over the past decade and elaborates the changing role of CTC in GE's global R&D strategy. GE started to set up its CTC in Shanghai in 2000 by bringing its own technologies and products to China. However, the Chinese market is quite different from the US market. GE CTC spent the first few years to build local engineering teams with a focus on learning and to develop local suppliers to reduce cost. Over time, GE CTC developed its "In China For China" (ICFC) strategy, incrementally changing its own products and design to adapt to the local market and developing innovative technologies and products to address China's toughest challenges (e.g., in healthcare industry). This strategy was very successful and indeed it turned out that some innovation outcomes from GE CTC can also catch other emerging markets, even be good for US and European markets, what they called reverse innovations. With the significant growth of GE CTC in China and the increasing importance of the Chinese market, Xiangli Chen, VP of GE in China, is thinking to change GE CTC's strategy from ICFC to ICFW (In China For the World). Given the fast-changing environment in China and GE competitors' strategic moves globally, Chen has to decide what value CTC could bring to GE's Global Research Network and what innovation priorities CTC will have in the next 5-10 years.

2.      Li, Haiyang, Jacquemin, F., & Li, T. Pacific Drilling: The preferred offshore driller. Ivey Publishing, Product No.: 9B16M061

Founded in 2006, Pacific Drilling is a fast growing offshore drilling company that addresses the challenges of extracting oil and gas from the deepest, most remote areas of the ocean. By working with major oil and gas companies, the company contracts drilling rigs, related equipment, and work crews primarily on a dayrate basis to drill wells for its customers. The offshore drilling industry is characterized with very intense competition. From the beginning, CEO Chris Beckett was determined to create a unique drilling company by focusing exclusively on ultra-deepwater drilling and technological innovation. By the end of 2014, the company has more than 1,600 employees (with one employee in 2006), generating $1billion in annual revenues. However, the company is also facing several challenges such as too much relying upon a key customer (i.e., Chevron) and higher cost of differentiation. Especially, because of the recent crisis in oil and gas industry (e.g., oil price has been plummeting since the end of 2014), the company is struggling with developing new customers. Beckett has to decide what to do strategically in the next 5 years to maintain the growth of the company.





1.      Zhang, Yan, Jin Chen, Haiyang Li, & Jing Jin. 2022. Who do you take to tango? Examining the pairing mechanism between underwriters and IPO firms in a nascent stock market. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 16: 97-128. [download]

2.      Jin, Jing, Haiyang Li, & Robert Hoskisson. 2022. The use of strategic noise in reactive impression management: How do market reactions matter? Academy of Management Journal, 65(4): 1303-1326. [download]

3.      Jade Lo, & Li, Haiyang. 2018. In the eyes of the beholder: The effect of participant diversity on perceived merits of collaborative innovations. Research Policy, 47: 1229-1242. [download]

4.      Li, Haiyang, Xiwei Yi, & Geng Cui. 2017. Emerging market firms' internationalization: How do firms' inward activities affect their outward activities? Strategic Management Journal, 38: 2704-2725. [download]

5.      Zhang, Yan, Yu Li, & Haiyang Li. 2014. FDI spillovers over time in an emerging market: The roles of entry tenure and barriers to imitation. Academy of Management Journal, 57: 698-722. [download]

6.      Holmes, M., Haiyang Li, Michael A. Hitt, Kaitly Deghetto, & Andrew Sutton. 2016. The effects of location and MNC attributes on MNCs' establishment of foreign R&D centers: Evidence from China. Long Range Planning, 49: 594-613. [download]

7.      Li, Haiyang, Yan Zhang, & Marjorie Lyles. 2013. Knowledge spillovers, search, and creation in China's emerging market. Management and Organization Review, 9: 395-412. (editorial article) [download]

8.      Haiyang Li, Yan Zhang, Yu Li, Li-An Zhou, and Weiying Zhang. 2012. Returnees versus locals: Who performs better in China's technology entrepreneurship? Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 257-272. [download]   

9.      Zhang, Yan, Haiyang Li, Yu Li, and Li-An Zhou. 2010. FDI spillovers in an emerging market: The role of foreign firms' country origin diversity and domestic firms' absorptive capacity. Strategic Management Journal, 31: 969-989. [download]

10.  Zhang, Yan and Haiyang Li, 2010. Innovation search of new ventures in a technology cluster: The role of ties with service intermediaries. Strategic Management Journal, 31: 88-109. [download]

11.  Zhang, Yan, Haiyang Li, and Claudia Bird Schoonhoven, 2009. Inter-community relationships and community growth in China' high technology industries 1988-2000. Strategic Management Journal, 30: 163-183. [download]

12.    Li, Haiyang and Jun Li, 2009. Top management team conflict and entrepreneurial strategy making in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 26: 263-283. [download]

13.    Li, Haiyang and Yan Zhang, 2007. The role of managers' political networking and functional experience in new venture performance: Evidence from China's transition economy.  Strategic Management Journal, 28: 791-804. [download]

14.    Zhang, Yan, Li, Haiyang, Hitt, Michael, and Geng Cui, 2007. R&D Intensity and performance of international joint ventures in an emerging market: Moderating effects of market focus and ownership structure. Journal of International Business Studies, 38(6), 944-960. [download]

15.    Li, Haiyang, Bingham, J., and Umphress, E. 2007. Fairness from the top: Perceived procedural justice and collaborative problem solving in new product development. Organization Science, 18(2): 200-216. [download]

16.    Atuahene-Gima, K. and Haiyang Li, 2006. The effects of formal controls on supervisee trust in the manager in new product selling: Evidence from young and inexperienced salespeople in China. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 23: 342-358. [download]

17.    Atuahene-Gima, K., Haiyang Li, and Luigi M. De Luca, 2006. The contingent value of marketing strategy innovativeness for product development performance in Chinese new technology ventures. Industrial Marketing Management, 35: 359-372. [download]

18.    Hitt, M., Li, Haiyang, and Willington, W. 2005. Emerging markets as learning laboratories: Learning behaviours of local firms and foreign entrants in different institutional contexts. Management and Organization Review, 1(3): 353-380. [download]

19.    Li, Haiyang, Yan Zhang, and T.S. Chan, 2005. Entrepreneurial strategy making and performance in China's new technology ventures: The contingency effect of environments and firm competences. Journal of High Technology Management Research, 16(1): 37-57.  [download]

20.    Atuahene-Gima, K. and Haiyang Li, 2004. Strategic decision comprehensiveness and new product development outcomes in new technology ventures. Academy of Management Journal, 47(4): 583-597. [download]

21.    Li, Haiyang and John Bingham, 2003. Collaborative problem solving and decision justice in new product development. Best Paper Proceedings at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2003, Seattle.

22.    Li, Haiyang and Kwaku Atuahene-Gima, 2002. The adoption of agency business activity, product innovation, and performance: A study of new technology ventures in China.  Strategic Management Journal, 23(6): 469-490. [download]

23.    Atuahene-Gima, K. and Haiyang Li, 2002. When does trust matter? Antecedents and contingent effects of supervisee trust on performance in selling new products in China and the United States. Journal of Marketing, 66(3): 61-81. [download]

24.    Li, Haiyang and Yan Zhang, 2002. Founding team comprehension and behavioural integration: Evidence from new technology ventures in China. Best Paper Proceedings at Academy of Management Annual Conference, Seattle.

25.    Li, Haiyang and Kwaku Atuahene-Gima, 2001. Product innovation strategy and the performance of new technology ventures in China. Academy of Management Journal, 44(6): 1123-1134. [download]

26.    Li, Haiyang, 2001. How does new venture strategy matter in the environment-performance relationship? Journal of High Technology Management Research, 12(2): 183-204. [download]

27.    Yan Zhang and Li, Haiyang, 2001. The control design and performance in international joint ventures: A dynamic evolution perspective. International Business Review, 10(3): 341-362. [download]

28.    Li, Haiyang and Kwaku Atuahene-Gima, 2001. The impact of R&D and marketing interaction on new product performance: An empirical analysis of Chinese high technology firms. International Journal of Technology Management, 21(1/2): 61-75. [download]

29.    Li, Haiyang, Kwaku Atuahene-Gima and Yan Zhang, 2000. How does new venture strategy matter in the environment-performance Relationship? Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Toronto, August, 2000.

30.    Atuahene-Gima, Kwaku and Haiyang Li, 2000. Marketing's influence tactics in new product development: A study of high technology firms in China. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 17(6): 451-470. [download]

31.    Li, Haiyang and Kwaku Atuahene-Gima, 1999. Marketing's influence and new product performance in Chinese firms. Journal of International Marketing, 7(1): 36-58. [download]


Referred Publications in Chinese


1.     Li, Haiyang, and Xingchun Li, 2018. Where should Chinese management research move toward? (in Chinese) Quarterly Journal of Management, 3(2):1-17. [download]


2.        Wang, Yu, and Haiyang Li, 2017. Endogeneity issues and correction methods in management research (in Chinese) Quarterly Journal of Management, 2(3): 20-47. [download]


3.        Li, Haiyang, and Yan Zhang, 2016. Integrating contextual knowledge and generalizable theory: How can Chinese management research make theoretical contributions? (in Chinese) Quarterly Journal of Management, 1(4): 1-17. [download]






1.       Li, Haiyang, Lan Li, Dahai Hao, Jiancheng Pan, Youlan Han, Siqing Peng, and Mingshen Zheng (2009). A special report on entrepreneurs' perceptions and evaluations on entrepreneurial orientation in China (2009). This report was based on an annual national survey of Chinese entrepreneurs (N=5920) conducted by the China Entrepreneur Survey System with the sponsorship from the State Council of China. I was the principal investigator of this project. This report was published in Management World (in Chinese), issue 6: 91-101, 2009. [download]


2.       Yan Zhang and Haiyang Li, 2008. Theorizing China-related strategy research: Learning from review processes.  In Chen, Xiaoping., Tsui, Anne, & Farh, Larry (Eds.) Empirical Methods in Organization and Management Research (in Chinese). Beijing: Peking University Press. [download]


3.       Li, Haiyang and Michael A. Hitt. 2006. Growth of new technology ventures in China: An introduction. In Haiyang Li (Ed.), Growth of New Technology Ventures in China's Emerging Market, pp. 3-10. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., MA: Northampton. [download]


4.       Li, Haiyang and Toyah Miller. 2006. New ventures in emerging markets: Comprehensive review and future directions. In Haiyang Li (Ed.), Growth of New Technology Ventures in China's Emerging Market, pp. 11-24. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., MA: Northampton. [download]


5.       Li, Yuan, Dan Li, Haiyang Li, and Yongbin Zhao. 2006. The effect of organizational reward and control on firm innovation and financial performance in Chinese technology firms. In Haiyang Li (Ed.), Growth of New Technology Ventures in China's Emerging Market, pp. 196-218. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., MA: Northampton. [download]


6.       Zhang, Yan and Haiyang Li. 2004. International joint venture control: An integrated framework. In S.B. Prasad & P.N. Ghauri (Eds.), Global Firms and Emerging Markets in the Age of Anxiety: A Contributed Research Volume, pp. 147-169. Westport, CT: Praeger. [download]


7.       Xu, Yan and Haiyang Li. 2002. From politics to markets: A case study of firms' strategic adaptation in China's transitional economy. In A. Tsui & C.M. Lau (Eds.), The Management of Enterprises in the People's Republic of China, pp. 159-181. Kluwer Academic Publishers. This book with our paper included has been translated into in Chinese and published by Peking University Press, Beijing, 2004. [download]





1.      Li, Haiyang (Ed.) (2006), Growth of New Technology Ventures in China's Emerging Market. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., MA: Northampton.