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1.5 Analysis of Plant Units - Page 1

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1.5.0 Introduction

The modules illustrated in previous sections were idealized systems that are rarely encountered in a chemical plant. Few chemical units perform a single function. Even fewer units have data for them posed in such a way that you can directly solve for all flow rates in the streams that lead in and out of them without:

a) solving simultaneous linear equations or
b) solving one or more nonlinear equations.

We will look at examples of both problems in this section. A distillation column with known feed stream, but composition specifications on the product streams is frequently encountered. The function fraco (for FRACtions Out) was written to solve for the fraction of each compound in the feed that is sent to the top for such specifications. This then allows us to use the sep function to complete the analysis. The problem as posed requires only that we solve simultaneous linear equations: a job that MATLAB does very efficiently.

Next we will consider typical specifications on the performance of a reactor in which two competing reactions occur. Again we will find that for common specifications this leads to the solution of simultaneous linear equations.

As with the mass flow modules, extra help and diagrams can be accessed by simply adding the prefix picto the module name.

Finally we will conclude with illustrations that require the use of a trial and error routine to handle nonlinear terms. We will restrict this to the case where we can pose the problem as a single nonlinear equation in one unknown. In later sections of the notes we will look at some ways to extend this to more general nonlinear problems.

1.5.1 The Distillation Function: fraco


Help applied to the function fraco tells us a lot about the way the function works.

>> help fraco 

  Auxiliary function that gives the fraction of compounds sent to the
        distillate in fractions 
    Argument    Gives
    lk       index of light key
    xdhk     mol fraction of heavy key in distillate
    xblk     mol fraction of light key in bottom
    in       index of the feed stream in ns
  Heavy key must be next to the light key
  For additional help and picture, see PICFRACO
  Example:  >> ti=fraco(2,0.03,0.05,3);
            >> sep(ti,3,[2 4])

Here is the image of fraco.

The nomenclature adopted in describing the operation of fraco is commonly used in the separations literature. We would like to get an approximate analysis of a distillation unit used to separate a multicomponent mixture. We assume the compounds will behave "normally" in the sense that we can order them such that each compound will be more enriched in the top product than all compounds that follow it. We will then list our compounds in such a order (called in decreasing "volatility"). Then we focus on two key compounds called the light and heavy keys. The job of the separator is to make the mol fraction of the light key in the bottom product meet a given specification and the mol fraction of the heavy key in the top product meet another specification. If the separator is a distillation unit and the compounds are ones frequently encountered in the petroleum industry, then we find:

1) essentially all of the compounds lighter than the light key are removed from the bottom product,
2) essentially all of the compounds heavier than the heavy key are removed from the top product.

The situation in which the two keys are next to one another in our ordered list can then be solved for a given feed. To do so pick as a basis one mol of feed with mol fractions: z1, z2, ...zH. Then list the molar flow rates for all compounds in the feed and product streams and use the two assumptions given above:







ND1 = z1

NB1 = 0



ND2 = z2

NB2 = 0

............................................................ ..









............................................................ ..



NDH = 0

NBH = zH








In this table, LK and HK stand for light and heavy key indices and H for the index of the heaviest compound. Note that the listed quantities in the table are molar flow rates not mol fractions. The feed rates are identical to the mol fractions in the stream only because a basis of one mol of feed was used.

We can see that all component mass balances are satisfied in the table except for the key compounds. The flows of the light key in the bottom and the heavy key in the distillate should be small numbers. If we define:

e = NBLK and µ = NDHK

Mass balances for the keys require that:

NBHK = zHK - µ and NDLK = zLK - e

Thus there are only two unknowns to solve for: e and m. Fortunately we have the two specifications:

e/B = xBLK and µ/D = xDHK

to determine our unknowns. We can also find B and D in terms of the two unknowns:

and B = 1 - D

If we multiply out the equations that determine the unknowns, they form two linear equations.

µ = B*xDHK = (zL - e + µ)*xDHK

e = D*xBLK = (1 - zL + e - µ)*xBLK


Fraco performs this analysis and uses the solutions of the equations to find the fraction of each compound that goes to the distillate stream.

We can use fraco to solve for the flows in the streams attached to a distillation unit separating the same compounds used to illustrate sep in the last section of the notes. Suppose we have the same feed and pick the two butanes as our key compounds. We have the following specifications for the keys:

xBLK = 0.05 <-- mol frac i-Butane in the Bottom

xDHK = 0.03 <-- mol frac n-Butane in the Top

After using start301, (3) Other, to set our names:

You have chosen to not use any compound data
If you wish to enter data for a compound, exit (control-C)
then execute "create", then run a "new session", choice (1)

Enter the number of compounds: 4
Compound names must be less than 25 characters long!
Give the name of compound # 1: propane
Compound names must be less than 25 characters long!
Give the name of compound # 2: i-butane
Compound names must be less than 25 characters long!
Give the name of compound # 3: n-butane
Compound names must be less than 25 characters long!
Give the name of compound # 4: i-pentane

How many streams will there be?5 <----this line sets up the initial
                                       flow matrix with all zeros 

>> ns(3,:)=[20 30 30 20]; <-- This inserts the feed flows


Then use fraco, sep and showm to see our results:

>> ti=fraco(2,.03,.05,3)
ti =
       1.0000    0.9149    0.0489         0
>> sep(ti,3,[2 4])
>> showm(3,[2 4],10,4) 
Compound        Inlet     |                   Outlet            
       Stream        3    |          2          4           Total  
propane        20.0000    |    20.0000     0.0000         20.0000
i-butane       30.0000    |    27.4457     2.5543         30.0000
n-butane       30.0000    |     1.4674    28.5326         30.0000
i-pentane      20.0000    |     0.0000    20.0000         20.0000
Total         100.0000    |    48.9130    51.0870        100.0000

Now check to see that the specifications were met:

>> 1.4674/48.9130 
ans =
>> 2.5543/51.0870 
ans =

There is always the possibility that we may divide by zero if there are some compounds with zero flow rates in the feed stream. This does not bother us too much in MATLAB and only leads to warnings. A slight modification of the last example with zero flow of a fifth compound is shown next.

>> cnms=['C3  ';'I-C4';'N-C4';'I-C5';'N-C5']; 
>> ns=zeros(3,5); 
>> ns(1,:)=[20 30 30 20 0]; 
>> ti=fraco(2,.03,.05,1) 
Warning: Divide by zero
ti =
       1.0000    0.9149    0.0489         0         0
>> sep(ti,1,[2 3]) 
>> showm(1,[2 3],10,4) 
Compound       Inlet        |                Outlet            
         Stream         1   |         2          3       Total  
C3                20.0000   |   20.0000     0.0000     20.0000
I-C4              30.0000   |   27.4457     2.5543     30.0000
N-C4              30.0000   |    1.4674    28.5326     30.0000
I-C5              20.0000   |    0.0000    20.0000     20.0000
Total            100.0000   |   48.9130    51.0870    100.0000

Note that showm does not show the flows of any compounds that are not present in any of the streams in or out of the unit. Thus N-C5 is left out of the displayed results.

1.5.2 The Separator Function: sept

A simple function was written to analyze a fractionator for which we know all the mol fractions (mass fractions) in one stream and the mol fraction (mass fraction) of one compound in the other stream. This function was used to solve one problem in the text as seen in the session given below. Help applied to sept gives:

>> help sept 
  sept: calculates the fractions to be used with frac
  function frac=sept(i1,x1in2,xs1,in)
  Argument  Gives
  i1       index of compound that is known in the exit streams
  x1in2    mol or (mass) fraction of i1 in the second exit stream
  xs1      composition of the first exit stream, mol or (mass) fractions       
  in       index of the inlet stream
  sept returns in frac, the fractions to be used in SEP   
  For additional help and picture, see PICSEPT
  Example: >> ti=sept(1,.1,[0.8333 0 0.1668],5);
           >> sep(ti,5,[4 3])


Here is an image of sept.

The function sept returns the fraction of each species in the incoming stream that goes out in the first outlet stream. This vector then can be used with sep to solve for the flow rates in the outlet streams. Sept has four arguments as listed in the comments. Note that the use of mol or mass must be consistent. If molar flowrates are used, use mol fractions; if mass flowrates are used, use mass fractions.

Let's see how sept works by solving Example Problem 2.8 in the text. Choose a basis of 1000 lb/hr of the refinery stream, and let the streams be numbered as in Figure 2.8 in the text. Since sept can have only one inlet, streams 1 and 2 will have to be mixed. The new system will have 5 streams.

Set up cnms for the following compounds and ns with 5 streams using start301:

      Component      Name           Formula
          1         Benzene           C6H6
          2     Other Hydrocarbons
          3        Sulfur Dioxide     SO2

You have chosen to not use any compound data

If you wish to enter data for a compound, exit (control-C)
then execute "create", then run a "new session", choice (1)

Enter the number of compounds: 3
Compound names must be less than 25 characters long!
Give the name of compound # 1: benzene
Compound names must be less than 25 characters long!
Give the name of compound # 2: other hc
Compound names must be less than 25 characters long!
Give the name of compound # 3: SO2

Enter the number of streams: 5

Initialize the feed streams:
>> ns(1:2,:)=[700 300 0;0 0 3000];

Then we can mix the first two streams to form the feed stream for the separator as stream 5:

>> mix([1 2],5)
>> showm([1 2],5,10,1) 
Compound                   Inlet                |       Outlet  
       Stream        1           2       Total  |            5
benzene          700.0         0.0       700.0  |        700.0
other hc         300.0         0.0       300.0  |        300.0
SO2                0.0      3000.0      3000.0  |       3000.0
Total           1000.0      3000.0      4000.0  |       4000.0

Choose benzene as the key compound for sept. The composition of stream 4 is given, but the mass fraction of benzene in stream 3 is not known. This mass fraction is probably very low since the flowrate of SO2 is high. Let's guess that it is 0.10. Executing sept to find the fractions for sep:

>> ti=sept(1,.1,[.8333 0 .1667],5) 
ti =
    0.4870         0    0.0227

Now we know what to give sep:

>> sep(ti,5,[4 3]) 
>> showm(5,[4 3],12,4) 
Compound           Inlet    |               Outlet            
        Stream            5 |          4           3       Total    
benzene            700.0000 |   340.9110    359.0890    700.0000
other hc           300.0000 |     0.0000    300.0000    300.0000
SO2               3000.0000 |    68.1986   2931.8014   3000.0000
Total             4000.0000 |   409.1095   3590.8905   4000.0000

We see that the ratio of benzene to other HC is much larger than 0.25, so we run into a trial and error situation to find the correct value for mol fraction of benzene in stream 3. A procedure to do this will be seen in the example illustrating the use of the secant trial and error routine: ssec2.

1.5.3 The Reactor Function: reactr

The function reactr determines the reaction rates of two reactions for a given conversion and selectivity. The eight arguments for reactr are shown with help:

>> help reactr 

  reactr: calculates reaction rates for competing reactions (use with react)
   Argument  Gives
   ipr      index of primary reactant, 
   ipp      index of primary product,
   imr      index of main reaction,
   icr      index of competing reaction,
   cpr      conversion of primary reactant,
   spp      selectivity to primary product,
   in       index of inlet stream,
  reactr returns the reaction rates to be used in REACT for rs.
  For additional help and picture, see PICREACTr
  Example: >> rv=reactr(4,1,1,2,0.25,0.8,1);
           >> react(rv,1,2)

Here is the illustration and example of reactr:

We will use Example Problem 3.16 in the text to illustrate the operation of reactr. There are 6 components and 2 streams. Index the 6 components as shown in the exit stream of Figure 3.9 in the text:

     Component       Name       Formula
         1     Ethylene Oxide    C2H4O
         2     Carbon Dioxide     CO2
         3         Water          H2O
         4       Ethylene        C2H4
         5       Oxygen           O2
         6       Nitrogen         N2

Define the names of the compounds, the reactions and the initial ns with start301:

Input the name of your new file: test
The output file name is: test

Input the number of compounds: 6
The number of compounds is: 6

Here are your compounds' formulae and names:
No. Formula  Name
  1 C2H4O    ethylene oxide 
  2 CO2      carbon dioxide 
  3 H2O      water          
  4 C2H4     ethylene       
  5 O2       oxygen         
  6 N2       nitrogen       

Here are your reactions:
  1)  2C2H4   + O2      --> 2C2H4O  
  2)  C2H4   + 3O2      --> 2CO2    + 2H2O    

Enter the number of streams: 2

The variables for your compounds have now been created,
you may continue, or come back later and reload the same data.

Using 1000 mol/hr feed as the basis.

>> ns(1,:)=[0 0 0 100 189 711];

The primary reactant is ethylene, the primary product is ethylene oxide, and the main reaction is reaction 1. The conversion and selectivity are given as 0.25 and 0.8. Thus the arguments for reactr are:

      4    1    1    2   0.25   0.80     1 
    C2H4 C2H4O Rxn1 Rxn2 conv.  selec  inlet stream

Here is our solution to the example problem using the modules with our special function reactr.

>> rs=reactr(4,1,1,2,0.25,0.8,1)
rs =
   10.0000    5.0000
>> react(rs,1,2)
>> showm(1,2,10,4)
Compound         Inlet    |  Outlet  
         Stream         1 |         2
 ethylene oxide    0.0000 |   20.0000
 carbon dioxide    0.0000 |   10.0000
 water             0.0000 |   10.0000
 ethylene        100.0000 |   75.0000
 oxygen          189.0000 |  164.0000
 nitrogen        711.0000 |  711.0000
Total           1000.0000 |  990.0000


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Last modified July 22, 1998.