Morphing with Point Warping

This morphing technique uses control points instead of lines. It results in realistic intermediate images, and takes only a minute or so to run using (slow) uncompiled MATLAB source code.

This method works especially well moving individual features such as eyes with only one or two control points. To change the shape of a face requires more points to yield quality results.

There are a few adjustments that can be made to tailor the morph to individual images. Since the weighting factors are shaped like two-dimensional Gaussians, the region of influence of any control point can be varied by specifying the variance of the Gaussian weighting function. In the example shown, we have used equal variances for all the weighting functions.

There are also two different possible normalization schemes possible for the weighting function. The scheme we have used here tends to produce more global changes for a single control point, and thus requires the use of more control points to "fix" the features that we don't want moved. When this is done, however, the results are superior to the alternate scheme.

Transformation and Morphing with Points
Transformations with Lines
Morphing with Lines
Performance of Line Morph
Main Morphing Page
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