CJK Notes

Encoding Schemes

CCiC Chinese Software Primer has a lot of information on what programs are available to input Chinese and basic Chinese coding schemes.

For more information on CJK character codes and encodings, please check Notes on CJK Character Codes and Encodings

Chinese Input Methods

Pinyin method uses pinyin for inputting chinese, which is based on the sound and tone of the character. The sounds are represented using ASCII characters.
This is equivalent to pinyin method. It uses shorthand from the ASCII characters to represent Chinese characters. Note Zhuyin method there is usually no correlation between the English character typed and the sound represented, ie, 'm' sound is the 'a' key, not 'm', which is true in pinyin method.
Cangjie strokes table
Hanzi(HZ, 漢字)
HZ is a chinese coding scheme in which two ascii chars are used to represent one chinese character. The Hanzi-table(GB | HZ) is a table of the chinese character and corresponding ascii characters. The table can be used to enter Chinese Charaters directly by their ascii representations.
DianBaoMa (Chinese Telegram Code, 電報碼)
DianBaoMa is a coding scheme using the Chinese Telegram Code. The Telegram Code Table(GB) lists all the Chinese Characters by the Telegram Code Numbers.
This coding scheme translates English words or phrases into Chinese Characters. Note the dictionary usually does not contain the exact translation, so a secondary input method is usually used in conjunction with this method.
This is the default coding method, which is defined by each encoding schemes.

Chinese Systems and Programs

General On-Line Reviews:

Chinese System:

Chinese Applications:

jeanz@rice.edu last updated 3/12/98.