Current Approach: Fast Fourier Transforms

We chose to go with the FFT in place of the correlation as it has the potential to offer far greater performance , especially for larger images and templates.

The formula above merely describes the Fourier transform. The fast Fourier transform is derived from patterns seen in the "twiddle" factor Wn. These patterns exist because Wn resides on the unit circle. The fast transform takes advantage of this property by dividing up the sum into an addition of two sums, one odd and the other even. This results in a systematic phase shift that can be pulled out of the sum, as can been seen in the following equation:

Instead of N^2 computions (N sums and N multiplies), we have only 2 (N/2)^2 or (N^2)/2 computions. The sum can be broken down further until we have two-element sets, each with one even and one odd element. The calculations only increase logarithmically with N in this case, and the follow gains can be realized. The graph plots the data to the left, with number of calculations plotted against N. Notice that the scale is logarithmic.

The following formula is the implementation of the Fast Fourier Transform in Matlab. Like the correlation function, the Fourier function takes as its input two gifs (the template and the image), and returns the location, if the template exists in the image, of the template.

function FFTloc

close all

tmpl = input('Template to find? ','s');
ref = input('Reference? ','s');
threshold = input('Threshold? ');


[templ,map] = gifread(tmpl);
[refer,map] = gifread(ref);


padding = size(refer)+size(templ)-[1,1];
refer_tr = fft2(refer, padding(1), padding(2));
templ_tr = fft2(templ, padding(1), padding(2));
raw = ifft2(refer_tr.*templ_tr);

refersqr = refer.^2;
flat = ones(size(templ));
refersqr_tr = fft2(refersqr, padding(1), padding(2));
flat_tr = fft2(flat, padding(1), padding(2));
norml = ifft2(refersqr_tr.*flat_tr);

normalized = real(raw./rtnormal);

location =(normalized>=most-threshold)+1;


Last Updated: December 17, 1996

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