From Eric Furbish: Gotchas when simulating/ciffing tanner-ported 0.5u pads: 1. There is a label called "hack" on both sides of some metal lines in the center of the pad. Do not remove this label; it's there because the simulators don't understand that resistor layer that connects the two. If you remove it, irsim/spice/etc won't simulate the pads correctly. 2. When you want to label your pads in the top-level layout, don't just paste "pad" layer over the pads and label it. There is a cif output problem that makes pad layers at different levels of the hierarchy merge incorrectly. This may cause MOSIS to reject your cif upon submission. Instead, paste some M1 over the section of M1 that runs under the pad but above the transistors at the bottom of the pad. If you label this, and then forget to remove the label later, you still won't have cif submission problems.