AMD VLSI Design Contest at Rice University - Fall 1999

First Prize - AMD Athlon Processors, Motherboards and $200 each team member

Group C - Timothy Danner, Reuven Lax, Anderson MacKay - GSAT Satisfiability Solver

Photo   Presentation

Second Prize - AMD K6 Processors and $100 each team member

Tie between:

Group E - Ricardo Radaelli-Sanchez, Alexa Shoning, Hilary Scott - Mastermind Game

Photo   Presentation

Group Y - Yonghui Cheng, Damian Dobric, Ping Tao, Shunxi Wang - FIR Filter Co-processor

Photo   Presentation

Third Prize - AMD T-Shirts/Caps/Cups and $50 each team member

Group A - Brian Becker, Douglas Haunsperger, Nicholas Humphries - Graphics Co-processor

Photo   Presentation

Joe Cavallaro

Last modified: 12/09/99