Today: Set interfaces, functional vs. mutating, some Big-O, and tree-based set implementations /** * in Java, all this is part of the base java.lang.Object class, * but we put it here for clarity */ interface SetElement { int hashCode(); boolean equals(SetElement); } interface FunctionalSet (extends SetElement ?) { FunctionalSet add(SetElement); FunctionalSet union(FunctionalSet); FunctionalSet intersection(FunctionalSet); FunctionalSet remove(SetElement); FunctionalSet remove(FunctionalSet); Iterator getIterator(); int cardinality(); boolean contains(SetElement); boolean isSubsetOf(FunctionalSet); } interface MutatingSet { void add(SetElement); void union(MutatingSet); void intersection(MutatingSet); void remove(SetElement); void remove(MutatingSet); MutatingSet copy(); Iterator getIterator(); int cardinality(); boolean contains(SetElement); boolean isSubsetOf(MutatingSet); } Tree Rotation, Applicative Trees, Building Sets from Applicative Trees Applicative == "applying functions to values" A "value" is immutable An "applicative tree" is therefore immutable Why bother? - iterators are "safe" - safe to keep multiple copies / older copies - and use less memory while doing it Difficulties? - insertion cannot mutate the tree - assumes you have garbage collection class Tree { Object data; Tree left, right; Tree(Object data, Tree left, Tree right) { ... } Tree insert(Object newbie) { if(data.equals(newbie)) { ... } else if( == Compare.Greater) // newbie goes to the left return new Tree(data, left.insert(newbie), right); else // newbie goes to the right return new Tree(data, left, right.insert(newbie)); } } Insertion is still O(log N) time, but it allocates O(log N) objects as well - but if you only keep pointer to result, the net result is creating O(log N) of garbage, so the net effect on space is O(1) Tree rotation: basic operations used in all advanced tree data structures A rotate-right B B C -----------> D A D E F G E C F G A rotate-left C B C -----------> A G D E F G B F D E Java code (applicative): class Tree { Tree rotateRight() { if(left == null) throw new Exception(...); return new Tree(, left.left, new Tree(, left.right, right)); } } Recursive rotation Many uses: delete member from a tree -- O(log N) work (applicative or mutating) iterate over subset -- O(log N) setup time to get iterator maintain tree balance -- O(log N) work on element insert (treap data structure, credit to Raimund Seidel) class Tree { Tree deleteElement(Object element) { if(data.equals(element)) { if(left == null) return right; if(right == null) return left; // rotate and recursively delete from sub-tree return new Tree(, left.left, new Tree(, left.right, right) .deleteElement(element)); } else if( == Compare.Greater) // the element we want to delete is on the left return new Tree(, left.deleteElement(element), right); else // the element we want to delete is on the right return new Tree(, left, right.deleteElement(element)); } Tree rotateToTop(Object element) { if(data.equals(element)) return this; if( == Compare.Greater) // the element we want is on the left return new Tree(data, left.rotateToTop(element), right).rotateRight(); else // the element we want is on the right return new Tree(data, left, right.rotateToTop(element)).rotateLeft(); } Iterator getInterval(Object min, Object max) { Tree maxTree = rotateToTop(max); Tree minTree = maxTree.left.rotateToTop(min); // you might want to include and // in the iterator's output return new TreeIterator(minTree.right); } } Building a set with an applicative tree Missing piece: dealing with hash-code collisions Possible results from : LESS GREATER (based on hashCode()) EQUAL NOT_EQUAL (a.hashCode() == b.hashCode(), !a.equals(b)) Solution (same as used in Hashtables): chaining class Tree { LinkedList data; Tree left, right; Object find(Object value) { int myCode = data.first().hashCode(); int valueCode = value.hashCode(); if(valueCode < myCode) return left.find(value); else if(valueCode > myCode) return right.find(value); else return data.find(value); // search the linked list } }