Single Source Shortest Paths


In Prim’s algorithm for minimum spanning trees:


1.           for each u in V
2.              key[u] = INFINITY
3.              p[u] = NULL
4.           key[r] = 0
5.           Q = CREATE-MIN-QUEUE(V)
6.           while Q != {}
7.              u = EXTRACT-MIN(Q)
8.              for each v adjacent to u
9.                 if v is in Q and w(u,v) < key[v]
10.                p[v] = u
11.                key[v] = w(u,v)
12.        A = {(v,p[v]): v is in V – {r}}
13.        return A

We have used a technique called relaxation. On each vertex in the priority queue, we maintain a property key[v], which is an upper bound of our

Estimate of the vertex’s distance from the spanning tree that we are growing. Initially, key[v] for all vertices is set to INFINITY. When we add

a vertex to the tree, we relax all of it’s neigbhors (lines 9-11).


Another algorithm that uses relaxation is for solving the problem of sinle source shortest paths:


For a given weighted, directed graph G=(V,E) and a source vertex s, find a shortest path from s to all the vertices in V.


A shortest distance b(s,v) is defined as INFINITY, if there is no path from s to v, and as MIN(w(p): p is a path from s to v) where w(p) for a path p

is a sum of weights of all edges on path p.


Negative-weight edges can be a problem in finding the solution to the SSSP problem. Most of the algorithms can deal with them, as

long as there are no negative-weight cycles in the graph. Some algorithms require strictly positive weights, while some allow negative weights

and report if there are negative-weight cycles.


SSSP can be represented with a shortest-path tree. Very similar to BFT. Actually, BFT is a simple instance of the SSSP problem when the

weights for all the edges are 1. We will represent the shortest-path tree with a predecessor tree, the same as in BFT. We will also  maintain a property

d[v] for every vertex v in the graph that will be our upper bound estimate of the shortest path from s to v. Iterating over edges in the graph and

relaxing this property for every edge eventually leads to the SSSP solution.




1.    for each vertex v in V
2.        d[v] = INFINITY
3.        p[v] = null
4.    d[s] = 0
1.    if d[v] > d[u] + w(u,v)
2.        d[v] = d[u] + w(u,v)
3.        p[v] = u

There are some important properties of the shortest paths and the relaxation as we defined it above:


Triangle inequality: For any edge (u,v) in E, b(s,v) <= b(s,u) + w(u,v)

Upper-bound property: We always have d[v] >= b(s,v) for all vertices v in V, and once d[v] achieves the value b(s,v) it never changes.

No-path property: If there is no path from s to v, than we always have d[v] = b(s,v) = INFINITY

Convergence property: If s to u followed by (u,v) edge is a shortest path from s to u and v, and if d[u] = b(s,u) at any time prior to relaxing edge (u,v), then d[v] = b(s,v) after relaxation.

Path-relaxation property: If p = <v0, v1, …, vk> is a shortest path from s = v0 to vk, and the edges of p are relaxed in order (v0,v1), (v1,v2), … (vk-1, vk), then d[vk] = b(s, vk),

regardless of any other relaxation steps, even if they are intermixed with relaxations of edges in p.

Predecessor-subgraph property: Once d[v] = b(s,v) for all v in V, the predecessor subraph is a shortest-paths tree rooted at s.


Bellman-Ford algorithm


A very simple algorithm. Runs in O(VE) time. Returns TRUE if there are negative-weight cycles in the graph, FALSE otherwise..


2.    for i = 1; i <|V|; i++
3.        for each edge (u,v) in E
4.            RELAX(u,v,w)
5.    for each edge (u,v) in E
6.        if d[v] > d[u] + w(u,v)
7.            return FALSE
8.    return TRUE

An example of Bellman-Ford algorithm execution. The edges in the example are always relaxed in following order: (t,x), (t,y), (t,z), (x,t), (y,x), (y,z), (z,x), (z,s), (s,t), (s,y).


We can notice that if we are clever about choosing the order in which the edges are relaxed, we can significantly reduce the execution time. What if we have a DAG instead

of a general graph to find the SSSP? If we topologically sort the graph and relax the edges in topological order of their source, we can reduce the running time to O(E+V). DAG’s

have a nice property that there are no cycles, so we don’t have to worry about negative cycles.


1.    topologicaly sort the vertices of G
3.    for each vertex u, taken in topologigal order
4.        for each vertex v adjacent to u
5.            RELAX(u,v,w)

Dijkstra’s algorithm


For directed, weighted graphs with non-negative weights, we can improve on the running time of Bellman-Ford

algorithm by using priority queue, very similar to Prim’s minimum spanning tree algorithm.

Since there are no negative-weight edges, there won’t be any negative weight cycles, so we don’t have to worry about them.

The idea is the same as in Prim’s algorithm: Keep a set S that is the current solution (a set of vertices for which the shortest paths have

already been computed), and keep all the rest in a min-priority queue. Remove a vertex v with the smallest estimate from the queue, add

it to S and relax all the v’s neigbhors.


2.    S = {}
4.    while Q != {}
5.        u = EXTRACT-MIN(Q)
6.        S = S + {u}
7.        for each vertex v adjacent to u
8.            RELAX(u,v,w)

An example of Dijkstra’s algoritm.


The running time of Dijsktra’s algorithm depends on our min-priority queue implementation. If the vertices are numbered 1 to |V|, we can store d[v] in

corresponding entry in the array. Each INSERT (implicit in line 3) and DECREASE-KEY(implicit in line 8) operation takes O(1) time, while EXTRACT-MIN takes O(V) time.

Line 3 takes O(V) time, line 5 executes O(V) times, while line 8 executes O(E) times, so the total time is O(V + V2 + E) = O(V2).


If the graph is sparse, we can use binary min-heap to implement the min-priority queue. EXTRACT-MIN now takes O(log V) time, line 3 takes O(V) time, and

DECREASE-KEY takes O(log V) time. Total time is O(V + V log V + E log V) = O(E log V).


If we use Fibonacci heap, we can achieve a running time of O(E + V log V), same as Prim’s algorithm.