This "homework" is really to get you all set up for being a Comp314 student.

  1. HTML basics. Create a simple Web page for yourself if you don't already have one. If you don't have any home page yet, then...
    1. mkdir public_html - creates a directory where your home page goes
    2. chmod 755 public_html ~ - makes the public_html directory, as well as your home directory, world readable
    3. With your favorite editor, create public_html/index.html and, at a minimum, put your name and e-mail address in there.
    4. Make sure your page has an image in it somewhere (i.e., use the <img> tag). You may wish to copy ricelogo.gif from the comp314 home page.
    5. chmod 644 index.html - make the file world readable
    6. Verify that your home page exists with a Web browser. The URL should be something like
  2. Go take your digital picture. Follow the instructions. You'll place the picture in your public_html directory. You may or may not choose to include the image in your home page itself. This image will be to help the class staff recognize you.
  3. Register online. You'll need to have your picture taken first.
  4. More online registration. From your owlnet account, type register comp314, creating a comp314 subdirectory in your home directory.
  5. Java basics (1). Create a file called Write the usual "Hello, world." program and make sure you can get it to run on owlnet.
  6. Java basics (2). Create another file called Write a program that operates like a subset of the Unix "wc" program. Your program will read the standard input ( and output the number of "words" it counts. Your program should thus behave like like wc -w. Use "javadoc" comments appropriately. This program will be graded 50/50 on style and correctness.
  7. Turn In Instructions: Use the owlnet turnin script to turnin the two programs (Java Basics 1,2). The format is the following:
    turnin -c comp314 -p hw0 <files>
    where <files> is a list of files or directories to turnin as your submisison. If you run the command again, it will overwrite your previous submission (if any), so be cautious when you run turnin.


Last modified: January 11, 2006 11:35