Course administrative information


TTh 10:50am-12:05pm, DH 1042

Attendance is mandatory.


TBA 4-5pmp, DH 1042

Lab will focus on answering questions and hands-on problem solving. It will also include some optional material. Attendance is optional, but labs will only be offered as long as attendance is high enough.


Professor Ron Goldman, rng@, Office hours: TTh 2-3pm (or by appointment), DH 3116, x5729

Dr. John Greiner, greiner@, Office hours: MW 2-3pm (or by appointment), DH 3093, x3838


Mitchell Koch, mkoch@

Xu Liu, xu.liu@


An introductory CS course (e.g., COMP 140, 160, 170, or the now-defunct 210).

Student disability policy:

Any student with a disability requiring accomodations in this class is encouraged to contact the instructor after class or during office hours. Additionally, students should contact the Coordinator for Disabled Student Services in the Ley Student Center.