[Rice University]

COMP 280:
The Mathematics of Computation

Spring 2005

Course Information
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Course NewsGroup


Course Information

This course provides an introduction to the use of mathematics in modeling and reasoning about problems in computer science. The course will focus on ideas and techniques that are widely used in Computer Science, and will present these ideas in action. Emphasis will be given in linking the material of the course with applications. The class will cover logic, proof methods (including mathematical and structural induction), reasoning about recursive and iterative programs, sets, functions and their asymptotic growth, counting, and modular arithmetic.

Course Staff Name Email Phone Office Office hours
Instructor: Ian Barland ian@ x3843 Duncan 3117 Mon 13:30-15:00, Tue 13:30-15:00, and by app't.
(through May.11)
TAs & Labbies:
Yi Guo x2732 Duncan 2068 Semester is over!
Allison Heath x3889 Duncan 3121 Semester is over!
Kristin Y. Rozier x3843 Duncan 3093 Semester is over!
Evan James -- Ryon 102 Semester is over!
Etienne Vouga -- Symonds II Semester is over!

Email sent to comp280@ will go to the TAs and instructor. Any changes to these office hours will be posted on the newsgroup and reflected on the course homepage.

All students should have taken COMP 210 prior to taking 280. If you have not had COMP 210, please see the instructor at the beginning of the semester.

Homeworks (roughly weekly) will comprise 50% of your grade; a midterm and final will each be worth 25% of your grade. Homeworks may involve writing small programs.

The class is not graded on a curve. That is, it's possible for everybody to get an A ... (or, nobody :-o). At the end of the semester, I calculate all the points. I have a pretty good idea of what quality of homework corresponds to what grade, so i take a sampling of students, look at their work, and conclude "ah, such-and-such points represents B work", etc. Usually the cutoff for an A (of any sort) is somewhere a few %s below 90%, and goes down by 10% after that. But this formula may vary a bit from semester to semester.

Homework Policy
Homeworks and exams in this class will be graded for correctness, clarity, and style.

Late Policy
Homeworks will be accepted late up to three 24hr days (incl. weekends), with a penalty of 10% of the points-possible per day (or fraction of a day). Exception: the first 3hrs late is only 5% off (from the start of class). Turn in late homeworks at Professor Barland's office, with the late-penalty clearly marked, and pledged that you did not access in any way the solution set posted for that homework.

Occasional individual extensions might be granted, if you talk with me at least one or two full days before the deadline; this will not be a regular occurence. Without such prior arrangement, no exceptions will be made except for (of course) exceptional reasons, e.g. severe sickness or a family emergency. “Projects due in my other classes” is not sufficient without said pre-arrangement.

Any student with a disability requiring accommodations in this course is encouraged to contact me after class or during office hours; all discussions will remain confidential. Additionally, students will need to contact Disability Support Services in the Ley Student Center.

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