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Recurrence relations


A divide-and-conquer algorithm takes its input, makes several smaller-problems, solves those recursively, and then combines the sub-results into the result for the full original problem.

The canonical example: Mergesort.

Another example: Given n points in the plane, find the minimum distance between points. (See Rosen Section 6.3, Example 12. Comp360 deals with problems like this.)

[To think about: Compare to: Separate the points into thirds by x-coord; find the min distance in left-two-thirds, and in right-two-thirds. Does this work? What is base case? How to worry about points w/ same x-coord?]

What is the (worst-case) running-time of this algorithm, for input size n? T(n) = ??
It's not clear what a closed-form answer is. But we can easily find a recursive formulation:
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 7n; T(2)=1.

[Draw out tree, assuming n = 16, say. In blue, write the amount of work done at that node; the total time for a node is that blue plus all the blue underneath. Add up all the blue: observe that by rows-of-tree, it's 7n on each row. There are log(n) rows, if n a perfect power of 2. Thus, total 7n⋅log(n) + #leaves⋅1;
#leaves is 2height = 2(lg(n)) = n. Total work: O(n log n).]

Exercise: show that this big-oh still holds for n not being a perfect power of 2. Not too hard, if we assume that more input never takes less time. Then just bound T(n) with T(nearest-power-of-2-bigger-than-n) (which is less than 2n).

Now, consider other divide-and-conquer algorithms (ignoring floor/ceiling):

(Remember, these are worst-case running times.)

Master th'm for recurrence relations arising from divide-and-conquer:
For f(n)=a⋅f(n/b)+c⋅nd,

(Rosen 6.3 Th'm 2) (What a stupid, non-descriptive name.)

Exponential Growth

Does this cover all types of recurrences? No; consider:
breaking an n-digit password.
Brute force: T(n)= 10 T(n-1)
Clearly the closed-form answer is 10n.

What of Fibonacci?

           { fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)   if n ≥ 2
  fib(n) ≡ { 1                   if n = 1
           { 0                   if n = 0
[Consider: different initial conditions; running the process backwards.]

Approach to recurrences of the form f(n)= b⋅f(n-1) + c⋅f(n-2):
  1. Guess a sol'n of the form f(n)=αn; what is α? Well, we get α2 - b⋅α - c = 0,
    [The "characteristic polynomial"; would be cubic if we had involved f(n-3).]
    We can compute the solutions to this, α = … .
  2. Sure enough, can check back that these answers satisfy the recurrence, but what about the initial conditions? Hmm, doesn't go.
  3. Realize that sol'ns to the recurrence relation (w/o the initial conditions) are closed under (a) sums, (b) constant-factors. If α1n and α2n are sol'ns, then so are: k⋅α1n + j⋅α2n, for any j,k ∈ ℜ. (That is, ``linear combo of two sol'ns is also a sol'n'', which math people go so far as to say ``the set of solutions form a vector space''.)
  4. Hmm, these j,k we can solve for. (Do so.)
  5. Are we done? Are there more solutions that aren't of the form αn? At this point, we ask the mathematicians, and trust us when they give us the answer we want: yes, this is all solutions.

This technique generalizes:

  1. Guess an exponential, get a polynomial of degree n,
  2. Solve roots α1, …, αn.
  3. A linear combination of those alpha's makes up all the possible answers.
  4. Caveat: if αi occurs with multiplicity m, then you also include include αin, n⋅αin, n2⋅αin, …, nm⋅αin.

Will not cover: the nonhomogenous version, where the recurrence relation includes a non-recursive term.
In general, this involves a lot of voodoo to find one solution.

However: Punchline: if you can find one sol'n h(n) to the recurrence, then every sol'n must be of the form g(n)+h(n), where g(n) is a sol'n to the corresponding homogenous form.

Example: the game Lights Out. Consider all moves that take an empty board back to an empty board; this is a homogeneous solution; there might be several such solutions. Now consider a game where there are some lights on; if you can find one way to turn them off, then all-possible-solutions must be your one particular-solution, joined with any single homogenous solution. (Or put differently, there aren't any other solutions which aren't just your original solution plus a homogenous solution.)

(Note that we haven't talked about how to find one solution. For Lights Out: Subtle hint: systems of boolean equations…)

When you cover ODE's in engineering-math classes, you'll use the exact same approaches as here, except that instead of f(n-k) you use the kth derivative f(k)(n) — it's just the analog analog.

[ian: This should take less than one session, letting me get ahead.] [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]