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Homework 1: Propositional Logic, Truth-Tables, and Boolean Algebra

Due 05.Jan.25 (Tue) 10:50

Before you tackle the homework, remind yourself of our general hw policies.

  1. (1pt) A question has been posted on the class newsgroup, with the title "Welcome to Comp280, S'05"; find and answer it. (Answer on your hw01 solution, not by replying to the newsgroup!)

    Note: To read the newsgroup rice.owlnews.comp280, you may have to set your browser's News Server preference to news.rice.edu. Also, some browsers (like Firefox under Linux) don't have a news-reading feature, and just ignore "news:" links; you can use another browser, or an email client like pine.

  2. (2 pts) Take the learning style assessment survey.
    Turn in your four resulting numbers.
    (If you prefer to keep this information personal, that's fine; instead report the number of even numbers you scored. If you have taken the test before and don't want to repeat it but don't remember your scores, just say as much.)

    We just want you to be aware of how learning styles and teaching styles may jibe worse or better for individuals; this lets you provide better constructive feedback for the prof!

After these, then start on the bulk of the homework: logic problems. [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]