Comp 212 Homework 1
Java Finger Exercises

Due 99.Sept.13 10:00 AM.

Before doing these exercises, you should skim Ch. 1, and read Ch. 2.1-2.8 and 3.1 of JPL (The Java Programming Language). You should also consult JPL for Java terminologies that you do not understand. The first tutorial will acquaint you with the process of preparing and compiling Java programs using emacs.

Functional List

The file ~comp212/hw/01/ contains the definition of a simple FunList class. This class definition supports five important operations: Note that the methods car() and cdr() generate run-time errors (by throwing run-time exceptions) if they are applied Empty objects.


Copy the files ~comp212/hw/01/ into your hw01 directory, and modify them as follows.
  1. Add the method int sum() to class FunList and all of its concrete variants. Calling l.sum() returns the sum of all the numbers in the list l.
  2. For FunList and its concrete variants, write the method int max(), which returns the maximum element of a Cons object only. On Empty lists, max() should return an NoSuchElementException.
  3. For FunList and its concrete variants, write the method dup(), which returns a new list with the first element duplicated.1 That is, if l1 were the list (4, 5, 6), then l1.dup() would be the list (4, 4, 5, 6). Decide what Empty.dup() should return, and explain your design decision. In your test cases, include a test of dup on a variable which is declared to be of class FunList. Does your function max() still work fine on lists returned by dup()?
  4. Use FunList as an example to design and imlement FunBiTree (functional binary tree) defined as follows: In standard Java programming practice, each class is saved in a file whose name is the same as the class name itself. However, for the sake of simplicity, save FunBiTree and its variants in a file named as done in
  5. Add the method Integer sum() to class FunBiTree and all of its concrete variants. Calling t.sum() returns the Integer sum of all the numbers in the tree t.
  6. For FunBiTree and its concrete variants, write the method Integer max(), which returns the Integer maximum element of a NEBiTree object only. On Empty trees, max() should return an NoSuchElementException.
  7. For FunBiTree and its concrete variants, write the method Boolean isEmpty(), which returns the Boolean representing false if the tree is not empty, and the Boolean representing true if the tree is empty. There are at least two ways to write this function. Write them both. Name one Boolean isEmpty1() and the other Boolean isEmpty2(). Boolean isEmpty1() should make use of the operator instanceof.
  8. A FunBiTree is said to be a leaf if it is not empty and its left and right subtrees are empty. For FunBiTree and its concrete variants, write the method Boolean isLeaf(), the Boolean representing true if the tree is a leaf, and the Boolean representing false otherwise. Is there a way to write this method without writing a conditional to check (directly/indrectly) the subtrees for emptyness? If no, explain your answer. If yes, write the function and name it Boolean isLeaf2(); of course, feel free to write additional helper functions, as long as these do not directly/indirectly check for emptyness with a conditional.
For each of the above problems, be sure to add test cases which cover all reasonable cases. For instance, the method FunList.sum() should be tested on lists of length zero, one, and more-than-one.

As with all programs in this course, lack of good coding style (good style includes reasonable variable names, a header before each non-overridden function, reasonable indentation2) will result in a substantial loss of points (see Comp 212 Course Guide). All programs in this exercise should be written in a purely functional style: no object fields should be modified once they have been initialized by a constructor.

In class on Monday, September 13, turn in

1 The name dup derives from stack-bases calculators and languages like Postscript, where it duplicates the top element of the stack. (back)

2 Remember emacs's M-x indent-region command. (back)           Please let me know of any broken links             Revised 99.Sept.5