package brs.visitor;

import brs.*;

 *      Implements Sleator and Tarjan's top-down splay algorithm.  Returns
 *      the BiTree containing the given key Object.  If, however, that
 *      key Object is not found in the BST, returns a BiTree that is
 *      adjacent to the key Object, coming before or after it.
 * @author Alan L. Cox
public class BSTSplay implements IVisitor {
    public static final BSTSplay Singleton = new BSTSplay();
    private BSTSplay() {

     * @param host an empty binary search tree
     * @param input not used
     * @return the host
    public Object emptyCase(BiTree host, Object input) {
	return (host);

     * @param host a non-empty binary search tree
     * @param input the key Object
     * @return null or a BiTree whose key is equal or close to input
    public Object nonEmptyCase(BiTree host, final Object input) {
	class Helper {
	    BiTree _dummy;
	    BiTree _leftSubTreeMax;
	    BiTree _rightSubTreeMin;

	    Helper() {
		_dummy = new BiTree();
		_leftSubTreeMax = _dummy;
		_rightSubTreeMin = _dummy;

	    void setLeftSubTreeMax(BiTree bt) {
		_leftSubTreeMax = bt;

	    void setRightSubTreeMin(BiTree bt) {
		_rightSubTreeMin = bt;

	    BiTree getLeftSubTree() {
		return (_dummy.getRightSubTree());

	    BiTree getRightSubTree() {
		return (_dummy.getLeftSubTree());
	final Helper helper = new Helper();

	class Outer implements IVisitor {
	    public Object emptyCase(BiTree child, Object root) {
		return (root);
	    public Object nonEmptyCase(BiTree root, Object notUsed) {
		if (((Comparable)input).compareTo(root.getRootDat()) < 0) {
		    BiTree child = root.getLeftSubTree();
		    return (child.execute(new IVisitor() {
			public Object emptyCase(BiTree child, Object root) {
			    return (root);

			public Object nonEmptyCase(BiTree child, Object root) {
			    if (((Comparable)input).compareTo(child.getRootDat()) < 0) {
				/* Rotate right. */
				root = child;
				child = ((BiTree)root).getLeftSubTree();
			    return (child.execute(new IVisitor() {
				public Object emptyCase(BiTree child, Object root) {
				    return (root);

				public Object nonEmptyCase(BiTree child, Object root) {
				    return (child.execute(Outer.this, root));
			    }, root));
		    }, root));
		} else if (((Comparable)input).compareTo(root.getRootDat()) > 0) {
		    BiTree child = root.getRightSubTree();
		    return (child.execute(new IVisitor() {
			public Object emptyCase(BiTree child, Object root) {
			    return (root);

			public Object nonEmptyCase(BiTree child, Object root) {
			    if (((Comparable)input).compareTo(child.getRootDat()) > 0) {
				/* Rotate left. */
				root = child;
				child = ((BiTree)root).getRightSubTree();
			    return (child.execute(new IVisitor() {
				public Object emptyCase(BiTree child, Object root) {
				    return (root);

				public Object nonEmptyCase(BiTree child, Object root) {
				    return (child.execute(Outer.this, root));
			    }, root));
		    }, root));
		} else
		    return (root);
	BiTree root = (BiTree)host.execute(new Outer(), null);



	return (root);