package model; import GameIO.*; import java.awt.Point; import java.util.*; import model.board.*; /** * A concrete model of a game. For descriptions of the methods, see the IModel, * IModelAdmin, and IModelCombo interface documentation. * Except for the setPlayers() and getPlayers() methods, see below. */ public final class GameModel implements IModelCombo { /** * An abstract factory to create APlayers. Used privately by GameModel. */ interface IMakePlayer { /** * Instantiates an APlayer object given the player's "player number". * Player number 0 plays first, player number 1 plays second. * @param playerNo The player number for the player to be instantiated. * @return An APlayer object */ public APlayer create(int playerNo); } /** * For player management. */ private TurnControl turnControl; /** * Adapter to talk to the view to display/clear a game piece ("token") or * a String message. */ private ICommand iCommand; /** * Adapter to talk to the view to announce winner, draw, or reset. */ private IViewAdmin viewAdmin; /** * Adapter to talk to the view to tell that the human player needs to try a * move. */ private ITurnAdmin turnAdmin; /** * The invariant, encapsulated rules and behaviors of a game. */ private IBoardModel boardModel; /** * The constructor for the game model. * @param nRows The number of rows in the board. * @param nCols The number of columns in the board. */ public GameModel(int nRows, int nCols) { boardModel = new TicTacToeBoard(nRows,nCols, this); // boardModel = new OthelloBoard(nRows, nCols); } public GameModel(IBoardModel boardModel) { this.boardModel = boardModel; } /** * The facade that does "everything"! * Use anonymous inner class to have access to everything in the outer object. */ private IRequestor requestor ; // = ??? ANONYMOUS CLASS FOR STUDENTS TO FILL OUT . /** * @param command */ public void setCommand(ICommand command) { iCommand = command; } public void reset() { System.out.println("Resetting"); boardModel.reset(); boardModel.redrawAll(iCommand); if(turnControl != null) { turnControl.setHalt(); } } /** * Assumes that the players are IMakePlayer factory objects. * @param player0 an IMakePlayer factory * @param player1 an IMakePlayer factory */ public void setPlayers(Object player0, Object player1) { // Last in/first play turnControl = new TurnControl(((IMakePlayer) player1).create(1)); turnControl.addPlayer(((IMakePlayer) player0).create(0));; } public void setViewAdmin(IViewAdmin viewAdmin, ITurnAdmin turnAdmin) { this.viewAdmin = viewAdmin; this.turnAdmin = turnAdmin; } public IBoardModel getBoardModel() { return boardModel; } /** * Returns a Vector filled with IMakePlayer factory objects. * @return */ public Vector getPlayers() { Vector v = new Vector(); v.addElement(new IMakePlayer() { public APlayer create(int playerNo) { return new HumanPlayer(requestor, playerNo, turnAdmin); } public String toString() { return "Human player"; } }); // ADD COMPUTER PLAYER WITH RANDOM MOVE STRATEGY IN MILESTONE 1. // ADD COMPUTER PLAYER WITH OTHER NEXT MOVE STRATEGY IN MILESTONE 2. return v; } public void exit() { reset(); } }