Koch Curve Dynamic Class Loading

Since the view cannot directly access any class in the model, it must send a "message" to the model asking for a class to be loaded when the user wants to change what Koch factory is being used. For simplicity's sake, let assume that a drop-list exists in the view that holds the fully qualified class name of the desired factory (i.e. includes the package). When the user selects a factory from the drop-list, the string which holds the class name is sent to the model.

In the model, the appropriate factory class corresponding to the string must be loaded and the appropriate constructor called to instantiate a concrete factory .  It is thus necessary to find out how many input parameters are required for the constructor.  All of these problems can be resolved by using Java's dynamic class loading capability plus its "reflection" capability. "Reflection" (also called "introspection") is the ability to inspect the defining structure of a class at run time.  Let's us take a look at a few key concepts in Java reflection needed to solve our problem.

To use reflection, one must first import the package: java.lang.reflect.  It contains a class named Class, which is viewed as the starting point for all reflection concerns.

Below is a method that makes use of the above reflection capability to change the current factory being used, given a String containing the fully qualified name of the requested class:

	// Assume the existence of "aFactory", the current factory in use.
        public void changeFactoryTo(String s) {
            try {
		// Get the first constructor of the class whose fully qualified name is "s":
                java.lang.reflect.Constructor c =  Class.forName(s).getConstructors()[0];

		// There are two kinds of factory: basic and composite.
		// The constructor for the basic factory needs no parameter.
		// The constructor for the composite factory needs another factory as the parameter.
		// Get an array of arrays of input parameters.
		// Here, arrays for zero and one input parameter: 
                Object[][] args = new Object[][]{new Object[]{}, new Object[]{aFactory}};

		// Create a new instance given the number of input parameters for constructor:
                aFactory = (AFactory)c.newInstance(args[c.getParameterTypes().length]);
            catch(Exception ex) {