Comp 212 Lab 3: JavaDoc, Package, Immutable Lists


This tutorial covers:

Create a subdirectory for this lab, say lab03, and click here to download the jar files listFWSource.jar and CLFactory.jar into this  sub directory.  listFWSource.jar contains the code for the list framework modified for the purpose of this lab only.  CLFactory.jar contains the binary class file for the CompositeListFactory discussed in the lecture.  

I. Java Documentation Style (20 minutes)

The Java Development Kit (JDK) comes with a tool called JavaDoc.  This tool will generate documentation for Java source code with comments written in accordance with the Java documentation style.   The following links show more examples.  You do need to spend time outside of the lab to study them.

Extract the files from listFWSource.jar using the command:

jar -xf listFWSource.jar

We will provide a more detailed discussion of "jar" files in another lab.

Use Emacs to look at both the code and the comments, which follow the Javadoc conventions.  The following is a very short summary of the Javadoc conventions.


  1. Run the javadoc utility on the Java code by executing the command

    javadoc *.java

    Many html files will be generated.  Use a browser to view index.html.  Does the documentation include descriptions of the private fields and methods?  Now execute the command

    javadoc -private *.java

    What is the difference? How about

    javadoc -private -author *.java

  2. Now try simply


    Like many UNIX commands, running the program without specifying any options will provide a brief description of its possible usage. Take a brief look at the explanation of the flags. In particular, note the -d flag for putting the documentation into a separate directory.


  3. Remove all files generated by javadoc.  Be sure not to remove any of the java files.  We will generate the javadoc files again, after we edit and re-package the java files as prescribed in the following subsection.

II. Package (25 minutes)

A Java package is a grouping of classes similar to the notion of a directory is a grouping of files. Packages are used to help avoid name clashes and to hide particular pieces of code from the clients. A package has a name, such as utility or java.lang.util. In general, a package name is a series of strings of alphanumeric characters (starting with an alphabetic character) and separated by periods. To make a java class part of a particular package, say listFW, you must add the declaration package listFW; to the very top of the class source file.

Also, you will need to put the file in the directory structure that mirrors the package name. For example, the java classes that belong to the package scheme should be in a directory also named listFW. If you don't do this, it will still compile, but it won't run correctly.


  1. Make IList part of a package called listFW by adding the package listFW; declaration to the top of You need to create a subdirectory called listFW and move into it.

    Now compile using

         javac listFW/
    Note that you should always compile from your project's main directory. If you compile from within a package subdirectory, it doesn't find all the supporting definitions.

    We can't run anything yet, because that's just a piece of the whole program.

  2. Add the package listFW; declaration to the top of and, and move them into the listFW subdirectory. Do not make and part of the package. and do not have a package name, and they are thus said to be in the no-name (or default) package.  

    If you try to compile now, you will get an error message. Try it to see what happens.

    Since GetLength makes use of IEmptyList and INEList that are in the listFW package,  you need to add the statement import listFW.*; to the top of to indicate to the compiler that you are using all the public classes in the listFW package. Try to compile it again.

  3.  GetLength is an algorithm on IList.  We want to put it in a package that is easy to locate.  A reasonable place to put it is in a subdirectory of listFW.

  4. To test GetLength, you need to have way to manufacture concrete IList objects.  The class CompositeListFactory discussed in the lecture can manufacture IEmptyList and INEList objects.  Take a look at the main method and the run method of the test program,  As you can see, it makes use of CompositeListFactory to create IList objects and compute their lengths to test GetLength.  The binary class file for CompositeListFactory is bundled into the jar file CLFactory.jar that you downloaded earlier.  

    To compile your test code, type the following (Unix) command from your current lab directory:

    javac -classpath .:CLFactory.jar

    You should see a few error messages.  What are they?  You need to 

    Recompile You should get no error. 

    To run your test code, type the following (Unix) command from your current lab directory:

    java -classpath .:CLFactory.jar TestLength

  5. Back to javadoc!  If you feel like it, you can javadoc the java code of the above using

    javadoc -private -author listFW/*.java listFW/visitor/*.java


III. List Algorithm Exercises (45 minutes)

In the following exercises, assume INEList contains Integer objects only.  (Recall Integer is the wrapper class for int as discussed in class.)  Package all algorithms in listFW.visitor.

  1. Write an algorithm called CheckAllNonNegative that checks to see if all elements in the host are non negative.  Its methods should return Boolean.TRUE if all the Integer elements in this host are non-negative (>= 0), Boolean.FALSE otherwise.  Write a simple test class.
  2. Write an algorithm called NonNegCount  that computes and returns the number of non-negative Integer elements in the host list.  Its methods should return an Integer.  Write a simple test class.
  3. Write an algorithm called Sum to compute the sum of the elements in a host list.  Write one version using direct recursion, and one version, called GetSum, using a helper alogorithm called HelpGetSum.  Write a simple test class.
Prepared by D. X. Nguyen  
last revised 09/09/02