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package lrs.visitor;

import lrs.IAlgo;
import lrs.LRStruct;

 * Removes multiples of the input N (> 0) from the host.
 * @author D. X. Nguyen
public class FilterN implements IAlgo {

    public static final FilterN Singleton = new FilterN();
    private FilterN() {

    public Object emptyCase(LRStruct host, Object N) {
        return null;

     * @param N Integer > 0.
    public Object nonEmptyCase(LRStruct host, Object N) {
        int n = ((Integer)N).intValue();
        int f = ((Integer)host.getFirst()).intValue();
        if (f % n == 0) {
            return host.execute(this, N);
        return host.getRest().execute(this, N) ;
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