Comp 212 Lab 13: Min-Max Implementation

The main purpose of this lab is to let you work with one or two other lab partners to get started on milestone 2 of programming project #4.  Most of the effort should be spent on writing the code for the following classes( note the packaging!).

Should you have time to spare, you can start working on the MinMax class.  It involves writing code for the getNextMove() method and an IBoardLambda anonymous inner class, minmaxEval, to implement the min-max algorithm.  Here is a hint for getNextMove():

You are allowed to work in teams of two or three during the lab session and share the code with your lab partners (who don't have to be your project partners).  After the lab session, you are to take your lab code and work with just your project partners to complete milestone 2  for programming project #4.  

Go to the lecture note #37 on alpha-beta pruning and min-max formulation and review the discussion  of  min-max OO formulation there.


D. X. Nguyen, Nov. 26, 2001