//package Sorter; public abstract class ACompareSorter { /** * Sorts by doing a split-sort-sort-join. Splits the original array into two subarrays, * recursively sorts the split subarrays, then re-joins the sorted subarrays together. * This is the template method. It calls the abstract methods split and join to do * the work. All comparison-based sorting algorithms are concrete subclasses with * specific split and join methods. * @param A the array A[lo:hi] to be sorted. * @param lo the low index of A. * @param hi the high index of A. */ public final void sort(IOrdered[] A, int lo, int hi) { if (lo < hi) { int s = split (A, lo, hi); sort (A, lo, s-1); sort (A, s, hi); join (A, lo, s, hi); } } /** * Splits A[lo:hi] into A[lo:s-1] and A[s:hi] where s is the returned value of this function. * @param A the array A[lo:hi] to be sorted. * @param lo the low index of A. * @param hi the high index of A. */ public abstract int split(IOrdered[] A, int lo, int hi); /** * Joins sorted A[lo:s-1] and sorted A[s:hi] into A[lo:hi]. * @param A A[lo:s-1] and A[s:hi] are sorted. * @param lo the low index of A. * @param hi the high index of A. */ public abstract void join(IOrdered[] A, int lo, int s, int hi); }