package players; import TicTac.*;import java.util.*; /** * Sample skeleton for a smart player that knows how to make the next move based * on the alpha-beta pruning evaluation strategy. *
In computing the min/max value of a game tree node, we can skip ("prune") the
evaluation of some of the children nodes using what is known as alpha-beta pruning.

1.  Let alpha be a lower bound for the value of a max node A, and let B be a child node
of A.  If the value v of a child of B is less or equal to alpha, then we can use v as
a value for B and skip the rest of the children of B.  This is called "alpha pruning".

2.  Let beta be an upper bound for the value of a min node B, and let C be a child node
of B.  If the value v of a child of C is greater or equal to beta, then we can use v as
a value for C and skip the rest of the children of C.  This is called "beta pruning".

@author Dung X. Nguyen */ public class SmartPlayer3 extends TTPlayer { public SmartPlayer3 (char mark) { _mark = mark; } /** * Randomizes the moves array. */ private final void randomize (Vector moves) { int movesNum = moves.size(); for(int i = 0; i < movesNum; i++) { int x = (int) (movesNum * Math.random()); Object tmp = moves.elementAt(i); moves.setElementAt(moves.elementAt(x), i); moves.setElementAt(tmp, x); } } /** * Computes the value of a min node. * parent node is a max node whose value >= alpha. */ private final int getMin (char[][] board, char playerMark, int alpha) { // if leaf node then return payoff value: if (playerWins (board, _mark)) { return 1; } else if (playerWins (board, TTEngine.GetOpponentMark(_mark))) { return -1; } else if (getNumEmptyCell (board) == 0) { return 0; } // else compute the minimum of the children node pruning if appropriate. int temp = Integer.MAX_VALUE; Vector moves = GetLegalMoves (playerMark, board); int nMoves = moves.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nMoves; i++ ) { TTMove move = (TTMove)moves.elementAt(i); MakeMove (playerMark, move, board); int childVal = getMax (board, TTEngine.GetOpponentMark(playerMark), temp); temp = Math.min (temp, childVal); if (childVal <= alpha) { undoMove (move, board); break; } undoMove (move, board); } return temp; } /** * Computes the value of max node. * parent node is a min node whose value <= beta. */ private final int getMax (char[][] board, char playerMark, int beta) { // if leaf node then return payoff value: if (playerWins (board, _mark)) { return 1; } else if (playerWins (board, TTEngine.GetOpponentMark(_mark))) { return -1; } else if (getNumEmptyCell (board) == 0) { return 0; } // else compute the maximum of the children node pruning if appropriate. int temp = Integer.MIN_VALUE; Vector moves = GetLegalMoves (playerMark, board); int nMoves = moves.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nMoves; i++ ) { TTMove move = (TTMove)moves.elementAt(i); MakeMove (playerMark, move, board); int childVal = getMin (board, TTEngine.GetOpponentMark(playerMark), temp); temp = Math.max (temp, childVal); if (beta <= childVal) { undoMove (move, board); break; } undoMove (move, board); } return temp; } /** * Computes the next move based on the current board status. * @param board * @return the next best move. */ public TTMove NextMove (char[][] board) { System.out.println ("I'm thinking..."); int best = getMax (board, _mark, Integer.MAX_VALUE); Vector moves = GetLegalMoves (_mark, board); randomize (moves); for (int i = 0; i < moves.size(); i++) { TTMove move = (TTMove)moves.elementAt(i); MakeMove (_mark, move, board); int temp = getMin (board, TTEngine.GetOpponentMark(_mark), Integer.MIN_VALUE); if (temp == best) { undoMove (move, board); System.out.println ("OK..."); return move; } undoMove (move, board); } return null; // should never get here! } private final boolean playerWins (char[][] board, char playerMark) { return someRowHasAll (board, playerMark) || someColHasAll (board, playerMark) || someDiagHasAll (board, playerMark); } private final boolean someRowHasAll (char[][] board, char mark) { return (board[0][0] == mark && board[0][1] == mark && board[0][2] == mark) || (board[1][0] == mark && board[1][1] == mark && board[1][2] == mark) || (board[2][0] == mark && board[2][1] == mark && board[2][2] == mark); } private final boolean someDiagHasAll (char[][] board, char mark) { return (board[0][0] == mark && board[1][1] == mark && board[2][2] == mark) || (board[2][0] == mark && board[1][1] == mark && board[0][2] == mark); } private final boolean someColHasAll (char[][] board, char mark) { return (board[0][0] == mark && board[1][0] == mark && board[2][0] == mark) || (board[0][1] == mark && board[1][1] == mark && board[2][1] == mark) || (board[0][2] == mark && board[1][2] == mark && board[2][2] == mark); } private final int getNumEmptyCell (char[][] board) { int cell_total = 0; int i, j; for (i=0; i