COMP 210 Lab 7: local and scope

Quick Review of Scope

A function definition

     (define (parameters...)
introduces a new local scope -- the parameters are defined within the body.

A local definition

     (local [definitions...]
introduces a new local scope -- the names in the definitions are defined within both within the bodies of the definitions and within the local's body.

In order to use local and to use functions as data (also just introduced in class), you need to set the DrScheme language level to "Advanced". Unfortunately, DrScheme's stepper doesn't work beyond the Beginner level.


Finding the maximum element of a list

Let's consider the problem of finding the maximum number in a list. To simplify the problem for today's goal, assume the maximum number in an empty list is 0. (Previously, we've examined ways of writing this function only for non-empty lists.)

  1. Develop the function without using local. For the purposes of this exercise, do not use any helper functions, nor the built-in Scheme function max. Also, don't use an accumulator.

    Stylistically what don't (or shouldn't) you like about this code?

  2. Develop the function using local. Again, don't use a helper function, max, or an accumulator.

  3. Try running each version on the following input (or longer ones):

             (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20)
    What difference do you see?

  4. For each version, determine how many calls to your function is made for the input

             (list 1 2 3 ... n)
    for various values of n.

    For each version, can you write a mathematical equation that describes this number of calls?

Using local doesn't let us write programs which were impossible before, but it does let us write them better.

How to avoid local?

How can you take any program written with local, and turn it into an equivalent program that doesn't use local? Hint: What other construct introduces a new scope and placeholder names?

Your answer will show that even without using an accumulator or local, functions the the previous example can be written efficiently.

List of descending numbers exercises

We'll return to an example seen in a previous lab. We'll develop functions returning the list of positive numbers 1...n (left-to-right), given n as input.

  1. Develop a function that, given n and i normally returns the list of length i of numbers up to n:

             (list n-(i-1) ... n-1 n)
    More concretely, e.g.,
             (nums-upto-help 5 0)        ⇒      empty
             (nums-upto-help 5 2)        ⇒      (list 4 5)
             (nums-upto-help 5 5)        ⇒      (list 1 2 3 4 5)
             (nums-upto-help 6 5)        ⇒      (list 2 3 4 5 6)
             (nums-upto-help 7 5)        ⇒      (list 3 4 5 6 7)
    For simplicity, you may assume that in. This should just follow the template for natural numbers on i.

  2. Your nums-upto-help repeatedly passed one argument unchanged to its recursive call. I.e., it's an invariant argument. Rewrite your function, adding a helper, hidden by local, which avoids having an invariant argument.

    Don't forget to include a contract and purpose for this new local function, too.

  3. Develop the function we really want:

             (nums-upto 5)               ⇒       (list 1 2 3 4 5)
    Use your nums-upto-help to do most of the work.

  4. Edit your code to use local to hide the helper nums-upto-help inside your main function nums-upto.

Advice on when to use local

These examples point out the reasons why to use local:

On the other hand, don't get carried away. Here are two easy ways to misuse local:

Scope and the semantics of local

How does a local evaluate? The following is one way to understand it.

  1. For each defined name in the list of definitions, rename it something entirely unique, consistently through the entire local.

  2. Lift those defines to the top level, and erase the surrounding local, leaving only the body-expression.


     (define x 5)
     (local [(define x 7)]
     (define x 5)
     (local [(define x^ 7)]
which in turn evaluates to
     (define x 5)
     (define x^ 7)
This makes it clear that there are really two independent placeholders.


     (define x 5)
     (define y x)
     (define z (+ x y))
     (local [(define x 7)
             (define y x)]
       (+ x y z))
Evaluates to:
     (define x 5)
     (define y x)
     (define z (+ x y))
     (define x^ 7)
     (define y^ x^)
     (+ x^ y^ z)

As an equivalent way of looking at things, we can look at the original code and ask which definition corresponds to each placeholder use. The answer is simple -- it is always the closest (in terms of nestedness) enclosing binding definition. We have three forms of binding:

local implementation

The actual way local is implemented is along these lines. The interpreter keeps track of these bindings in an environment, which maps placeholder names to their values. Then, an expression is evaluated in the context of the current environment.

DrScheme provides an easy way to look at this: the Check Syntax button. Clicking on this does two things. First, it checks for syntactic correctness of your program in the definitions window. If there are errors, it reports the first one. But, if there aren't any, it then annotates your code with various colors and, when you move your cursor on top of a placeholder, draws arrows between placeholder definitions and uses.

Scoping Exercise
  1. What does the following code do? Explain it in terms of the evaluation rule above.

             (define growth-rate 1.1)
             (define (grow n)
               (* n growth-rate))
             (local [(define growth-rate 1.3)]
               (grow 10))
             (grow 10)

    Confirm your understanding with DrScheme, with the Check Syntax button, and by evaluating the code.

  2. Is the following code essentially different from the previous example? Why or why not?

             (define growth-rate 1.3)
             (define (grow n)
                (local [(define growth-rate 1.1)]
                  (* n growth-rate)))
             (grow 10)

    Once again, confirm your understanding with DrScheme.

In each case, grow "knows" which placeholder named growth-rate was in scope when it was defined, because that knowledge is part of grow's closure.

More scoping exercises

In each of the following, determine which definition corresponds to each placeholder usage. As a result, determine what each example produces. Then confirm by using DrScheme. (Note: Some examples give errors about unbound placeholders.)

  •          (define w 1)
             (define x 3)
             (define y 5)
             (local [(define w 2)
                     (define x 4)
                     (define z 6)]
                (+ w x y z))
             (+ w x y)
  •          (define w 1)
             (define x 3)
             (define (test x y)
                (local [(define w 2)
                        (define x 4)
                        (define z 6)]
                   (+ w x y z))))
             (test 8 3)
             (test x w)
             (test w x)
  •          (define x 1)
             (define y 1)
                 [(define x 2)
                  (define y x)]
                 (+ x y))
             (+ x y)
  • Here is an example of mutually recursive functions following the natNum template; it is motivated by the observation "a positive number n is even if n-1 is odd, a positive number n is odd if n-1 is even, and 0 is even."

                [;; my-odd?: natnum --> boolean
                 (define (my-odd? n)
                     (cond [(zero? n)     false]
                           [(positive? n) (my-even? (sub1 n))]))
                 ;; my-even?: natnum --> boolean
                 (define (my-even? n)
                     (cond [(zero? n)     true]
                           [(positive? n) (my-odd? (sub1 n))]))]
               ; Now, the body of the local:
               (my-odd? 5))
             ; Outside the local:
             (my-odd? 5)

    Note that the two local functions are in each others' closure; they will always call each other, no matter how you define other placeholders with the same names my-even?.

    Also note that this is an example of mutually recursive functions, where the mutual recursion does not result from a mutually recursive data structure.

  •          (define x 1)
             (define y 2)
             (define (f x)
               (local [(define (g x) (+ x y))
                       (define y 100)]
                  (g (g x))))
             (local [(define x 30)
                     (define y 31)
                     (define (g x) (* x y))]
               (g 20))
             (g 20)
             (f 20)