COMP 210 Lab 12: More State, Including Vectors

Vector basics, Searching in vectors, Imperative programming

Vector Basics

A list can contain as many items as you like, but you can only access the first element directly. In contrast, we'll introduce a new structure -- vectors -- where you can access (say) the 17th element directly, but the structure contains exactly a pre-determined fixed number of items.

(define colors (vector 'teal 'ecru 'lilac 'maroon 'red))

(vector-ref colors 3)
(vector-ref colors 0)
(vector-ref colors 5) ; ERROR -- indices must be in [0,5).

(vector-length colors)

(vector-set! colors 3 'macaroni)
(vector-ref colors 3)

In addition to creating vectors via vector, there is also a function build-vector, which creates a vector where the i'th location is initialized to a function of i: (build-vector 5 sqr) (build-vector 5 (lambda (i) (* 2 i)))

In comments, we'll often write "v[i]", as a shorthand for "(vector-ref v i)".

Vectors are another abstraction for collections of data. Like a structure, each element of a vector is named, in this case with a number. I.e., they are named 0,1,2,3,... in order. Vectors can be of any length when created, although you cannot change the length of a particular vector.

Example: When was first set up, people could sign up for accounts. When they got their one-millionth customer, their code broke -- the site was down for three days, and a million customers couldn't log on to the net. Presumably they'd used vectors, when a list would be more appropriate. (They wanted the random-access of a vector, but didn't know the number of elements in advance. At the very least, their code for adding a new customer should have had refused the millionth customer, rather than crashing the system for everybody!)

Remember that vector elements are indexed starting with 0, not 1! That means you should never use code like

   (vector-ref vec (vector-length vec))
because there is no such element in the vector.

We won't worry about all of the following, but for your reference, here is a summary of several built-in vector functions:

Vector exercises
  1. Develop a function vector-square! that, given a vector of numbers, destructively changes the vector to contain the squares of the old elements.
         (define v (vector 1 3 5 2))
         (vector-square! v)
         v                              evaluates to (vector 1 9 25 4)
         (define (vector-square! v)
            (vector-square-help! v (vector-length v)))
         ;; vector-square-help!: vector, natnum --> ...
         ;; Destructively wquare the first n elements of v.
         (define (vector-square-help! v n)
    (The function can either return some dummy value like 'woohoo, or (slightly more helpfully) the same vector that was passed in. )
  2. Develop a function that, given a vector of numbers, returns a new vector of the same length containing the squares of the numbers in the original vector. (Use build-vector.)
         (define v (vector 1 3 5 2))
         (define w (vector-square v))
         v                              returns (vector 1 3 5 2)
         w                              returns (vector 1 9 25 4)
  3. Modify your previous program so that instead of following the NatNum template down to 0, instead it starts at 0 and increases.
Note, there are really two different things here:
  1. given i, do a task involving i: (vector-set! v i (sqr (vector-ref v i)))
  2. rig the function to do this task, with i being 0, 1, 2, ..., n-1.

Hey, let's separate these two things explicitly. The latter part is looping from 0 up to (not including) n. Examples:

What is the general form for this looping function, loop-for?
;; loop-for: num, num, (num-->(void)) --> 'done
(define (loop-for start-val stop-val body!)

Write the general function loop-for, where you explicitly return 'done if the start-val exceeds the stop-val; otherwise you do two things: call body!, then recursively call loop-for. (Note: this is an abstraction similar to foldr for natural-numbers: it allows us to seperate the code for an individual task from the iterative process of calling that task on 0, 1, 2, ...)

Imperative Programming

To do: Using the above loop-for, write a function which sums all the numbers in a vector.
Hint: define a variable sum-so-far to be 0 initially, and then as you loop, set! that variable.

To Think about: what if we frequently wanted to do something with every other number in a range?
Should we modify the task (body!), or modify the control-logic in charge of applying body! to the right values? Both ways work; the latter is better, since it separates the individual task from the looping.

Loops without mutation

Do we need to use mutation, to make use of a for-loop? No, we actually have been doing stuff all along which didn't: Recall:

(triangle-number 3)  = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6
(countdown 3) = (list 3 2 1 'blastoff)

(define (triangle-number n)
  (loop-for-acc 1 (add1 n)
                0    ; The initial sum-so-far (accumulator).
                (lambda (i so-far) (+ i so-far))))   ; A body which creates new accum.

(define (countdown n)
  (loop-for-acc 0 n
                '(blastoff)  ; Initial accumulator value.
                (lambda (i so-far) (cons (add1 i) so-far))))
Exercise: write a version of loop-for-acc which separates the work that you're doing from of doing that work with 0, then with 1, ..., then with i-2, then with i-1.
(define (loop-for-acc strt stop init body )

Let's see how it actually works: A hand-evaluation quickly shows:
  (countdown 3) 
= (loop-for-acc 0 3  '(blastoff)        (lambda (i so-far) (cons (add1 i) so-far)))
= (loop-for-acc 1 3  '(1 blastoff)      (lambda (i so-far) (cons (add1 i) so-far)))
= (loop-for-acc 2 3  '(2 1 blastoff)    (lambda (i so-far) (cons (add1 i) so-far)))
= (loop-for-acc 3 3  '(3 2 1 blastoff)  (lambda (i so-far) (cons (add1 i) so-far)))
= '(3 2 1 blastoff)