> restart;

> rho:=1.595*g/cm^3; dpdrho:=90.7*10^(-6)/atm; mass:=153.84*g; Navogadro:=6.023*10^23; kappa:=1.3805*10^(-16)*g*cm^2/s^2/K;

[Maple Math]

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[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

where rho is the density of the liquid, dpdrho is the compressibility, mass is the molar mass, Navogadro is Avogadro's number, and kappa is Boltzmann's constant.

Set variable eta = (dp/drho) at constant T.

Since (dp/drho) at constant T = 1/(rho[rho^(-1)*(drho/dp)Tconst]),

> eta:=1/(rho*dpdrho);

[Maple Math]

> eta := 6912.450359*cm^3*atm/g;

[Maple Math]

> atm:=1.1033*10^6*g/cm/s^2; define atm in different units in order to simplify expression

[Maple Math]

> eta; simplified units of (dp/drho)Tconst

[Maple Math]

Set variable beta = Cp/Cv and assume its value to be 1.0.

> beta:=1.0;

[Maple Math]

> vs:=(beta*eta)^.5; equation (8.4-4)

[Maple Math]

> assume (cm>0);

> assume (s>0);

> simplify (vs);

[Maple Math]

> Vmolar:=mass/rho;

[Maple Math]

> k:=2.80*(Navogadro/Vmolar)^(2/3)*kappa*vs;


[Maple Math]

> simplify(k);

[Maple Math]

> changeunitsvar1:=2.3901*10^(-8)*cal/s/cm/K/g/cm*s^3*K;

[Maple Math]

> k2:=k*changeunitsvar1;

[Maple Math]

> simplify(%);

[Maple Math]

> simplify(%,assume=positive);




[Maple Math]

> unassume(s>0);

[Maple Math]

> k2;

[Maple Math]

> simplify(k2);

[Maple Math]