Part A

Derive expressions for diffusion through a spherical shell that are analogous to equations 17.2-10 (concentration profile) and equation 17.2-14 (molar flux); see figure on the main page for the system specifications. (BSL, page 527).

> restart;

> Area:=r->4*Pi*r^2; Area of a sphere

[Maple Math]

> WAr:=r->Area(r)*NAr(r); WAr is the molar flow of species A across spherical surface. This molar flow is obtained from multiplying the area of A by the molar flux of A. (eqn 17.2-21 along with eqn 17.0-1)

[Maple Math]

> mass_balance:=WAr(r)-WAr(r+dr); This mass balance is taken for species A over the spherical shell. This balance illustrates the law of conservation of mass. {rate of mass in - rate of mass out +rate of production} (eqn 17.1-1)

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> dmass_bal:=limit(mass_balance/(dr*Area(r)),dr=0); take the limit of the mass balance above

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> s:=dsolve({dmass_bal,NAr(r1)=NAr1},NAr(r)); Solve with the boundary condition that NAr(r1) = NAr1

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> assign(s);NAr:=unapply(NAr(r),r); Help on assign tells us that it assigns s to NAr. Unapply returns a functional operator.

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We now have an expression for NAr, the molar flux. Next, we will achive an expression for equation 17.0-1 that uses the term NAr.

> deqn:=NAr(r)=-c*DAB*D(xA)(r)+xA(r)*NAr(r); eqn 17.0-1 with NBr =0. Equation 17.0-1 is derived from equation 16.2-2 by relating the molar flux to the concentration gradient.

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> s:=dsolve({deqn,xA(r1)=xA1},xA(r)); Dsolve solves the ODE deqn

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> assign(s);

> xA:=unapply(xA(r),r);

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Now, we have achieved xA in terms of r1, NAr1, c, and DAB. But, the solution desired is not in terms of NAr1. To make NAr1 "disappear", evaluate xA at r2, and solve for NAr1 with other parameters.

> eqn:=xA(r2)=xA2;

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> NAr1:=solve(eqn,NAr1);

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We have achieved our expression of NAr1 in terms of c, DAB, r1, and r2. Relate this expression obtained to equation 17.2-14, the mass transfer rate equation.

> xA1:=1-xB1;xA2:=1-xB2;

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The expressions above relate xA and xB at r1 and r2 respectively. Now solve for the molar flow of A across a spherical surface.

> WA_q:=4*Pi*c*DAB*ln(xB2/xB1)/((1/r1)-(1/r2));

[Maple Math]

The "questionable" expression (WA_q) is above. This looks very similar, perhaps exactly, like equation 17.2-21 given in BSL. But, we must check. Let's check by the taking the difference of the equation we derived, WAr(r1), and the expression above, WA_q.

> difference:=WAr(r1)-WA_q;

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> difference:=simplify(difference);

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Well, look here. The two expressions are the same!!! Thus, we have solved for expressions of diffusion through a spherical shell that are analogous to eqn 17.2-10 (concentration profile) and eqn 17.2-14 (molar flux).

> assume(xB1>0,xB2>0); from above answer, xB1 and xB2 were automatically assumed to be zero

Part A of example 17.2-2 has been solved. Now let's check out Part B