Example 17.2-1 - Determination of Diffusivity

In this example, the diffusivity of CCl4 in oxygen is examined, according to the figure below.  Liquid CCl4 is contained in a tube in the sole presence of oxygen.  The mole fraction of CCl4 is measured at the surface of the liquid and the top of the tube, with the system at steady state.
The graphic on the right represents how the mole fractions of both components change with height z.  In order to calculate the diffusivity, the only unknown is the molar flux of CCl4.  This can be calculated using the given conditions, followed by the diffusivity.  The following conditions are given in the problem: The problem is easily solved in Maple.  First, the known values are defined and the molar flux of CCl4 is solved.  The molar flux is then plugged into the equation of diffusivity.

> restart; Example 17.2-1: Determination of Diffusivity

Begin by defining constants, such as the density, time, temperature, distance travelled by the CCl4, etc.

> MWCCl4:=1/154*gmole/g; Area:=.82*cm^2; t:=3600*10*s; rhoCCl4:=1.59*g/cm^3; R:=82.05*cm^3*atm/(gmole*K); T:=273*K; dz:=17.1*cm;p:=755/760*atm; pO2_2:=755/760*atm; pO2_1:=722/760*atm; volrate:=0.0208*cm^3;

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> NCCl4:=volrate*rhoCCl4/(Area*t)*MWCCl4; Determine the molar flux of CCl4 using the volumetric evaporation rate.

[Maple Math]

> DCCl4_O2:=NCCl4*dz*R*T/(p*ln(pO2_2/pO2_1)); Determine diffusivity using equation 17.2-15a in the book.

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> simplify(%);

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