Definitions of terms in Tables 16.1-1, 2, 3

> restart;

Table 16.1-1 Definitions

> ncom:=2; The number of Components: for binary system this is 2

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> rho:=array(1...ncom); omega:=array(1...ncom); MW:=array(1...ncom); c:=array(1...ncom); x:=array(1...ncom);

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> rhotot:=sum(rho[i],i=1..ncom); for k from 1 to ncom do rho[k]:=c[k]*MW[k] od; for k from 1 to ncom do omega[k]:=rho[k]/rhotot od; ctot:=sum(c[i],i=1..ncom); for k from 1 to ncom do x[k]:=c[k]/ctot od; M:=rhotot/ctot;

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Table 16.1-2 Definitions

> v:=array(1...ncom); vavg:=sum(omega[i]*v[i],i=1...ncom); vstar:=sum(x[i]*v[i],i=1...ncom);

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Table 16.1-3 Definitions

> n:=array(1...ncom); N:=array(1...ncom); j:=array(1...ncom); J:=array(1...ncom); jstar:=array(1...ncom); Jstar:=array(1...ncom);

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> for k from 1 to ncom do n[k]:=rho[k]*v[k] od;

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> for k from 1 to ncom do N[k]:=c[k]*v[k] od;

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> for k from 1 to ncom do j[k]:=rho[k]*(v[k]-vavg) od;

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> for k from 1 to ncom do J[k]:=c[k]*(v[k]-vavg) od;

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> for k from 1 to ncom do jstar[k]:=rho[k]*(v[k]-vstar) od;

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> for k from 1 to ncom do Jstar[k]:=c[k]*(v[k]-vstar) od;

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