Example 17.2-1 using the Matlab progam 
>>help dcalc

Chapman-Enskog formula for mass diffusivity coefficient for binary mixtures

function D = dcalc(p,T,index)

Argument List:
p [=] pressure in kPa
T [=] temperature in the units of Tdeg
index [=] index of 2 compounds in cnms whose Dab is to be found
(If this argument is omitted, Dab will be found for the first 2)
D [=] mass diffusivity in units of m2/s

Here are your compounds' formulae and names:
No. Formula Name
1 CO carbon monoxide
2 CO2 carbon dioxide
LJones =
3.5900e+00 1.1000e+02
3.9960e+00 1.9000e+02
ans =
> restart; Using dcalc: > DAB:=1.4919e-5*m^2/second; > m:=100*cm; > DAB; compared to .152cm^2/second found in the text.
[Maple Math]
Using eq. 17.2-1 with data from ceng301 data bank
Here are your compounds' formulae and names:
No. Formula Name
1 CO carbon monoxide
2 CO2 carbon dioxide
3.4986e+03 7.3805e+03

1.3295e+02 3.0420e+02

2.8010e+01 4.4010e+01
> DAB:=(p,T,a,b,pCA,pCB,TCA,TCB,MWA,MWB)->(pCA*pCB)^(1/3)*(TCA*TCB)^(5/12)*(1/MWA+1/MWB)^(1/2)*a*(T/sqrt(TCA*TCB))^b/p; > kPa:=atm/101.325;pCA:=3.499e3*kPa;pCB:=7.381e3*kPa; > DAB(1,296.1,2.745e-4,1.823,34.53,72.84,132.9,304.2,28.01,44.01);
[Maple Math]
Note that a must have units if we assign units to the other terms in the equation.
>  simplify(DAB(1*atm,296.1*K,2.745e-4,1.823,34.53*atm,72.84*atm,132.9*K,304.2*K,28.01*g/mol,44.01*g/mol),assume=positive);
[Maple Math]
Thus we need to have a with the units:
>  a:=2.745e-4*cm^2/s/K^(5/6)/sqrt(mol/g)*atm^(1/3);
>  simplify(DAB(1*atm,296.1*K,a,1.823,34.53*atm,72.84*atm,132.9*K,304.2*K,28.01*g/mol,44.01*g/mol),assume=positive);
[Maple Math]