CHBE 301 Introduction & Schedule


  1. Introduction 2005
  2. Schedule 2005

0.1 Introduction

Course Instructors 2005:
	S. H. Davis    		  Office: AL B238
	Phone: 713-348-3536        userid:
     K. Zygourakis              Office: AL B216
     Phone: 713-348-5208        userid:
Texts:	I	Richard M. Felder and Rousseau, Ronald W. Elementary Principles 
                 of Chemical Processes, Third Edition
	      II    S. H. Davis, J. V. Shanks and K. Zygourakis, Chemical Engineering 
                 Fundamentals: Fall, 2005 Edition 
		(located on-line at

The set of notes for the course have been revised yearly many times. Professor Shanks ( contributed much of the material in the notes. She is now a professor at Iowa State university where she teaches their introductory chemical engineering course. The notes were augmented by Professor Zygourakis to include introductory material about chemical engineering as a profession in 1999.

Homework will be assigned regularly by Friday of most weeks (8 to 10 HW assignments total). The nth assignment may be found by looking at or listing the file:

~chbe301/hw/an where n is the assignment number.

Each homework is due on the Friday (1 pm) after it is assigned. Please turn your work in during class or in the mailbox for Ceng 301 outside of Dr. Chapman's (AL B228) office.

A short project will be assigned early in the course. It will be an individual project conncected with looking at one of the example problems in the text. The main course project is required for all students to complete during the second half of the semester.

This year's project will be posted in October, 2005.

Grading Policy

There is a mid term exam and a final. In all exams, you will be allowed to use your texts, class notes and any other hand copied notes you deem helpful. Both exams are take home exams so that a computer may be used during them. There is also two projects, which may involve library searches, writing a report, and giving a presentation.

Short messages for both Chbe 301 and Chbe 303 will be displayed in the Message of the Day for the course for all students who have "registered" for the course on Owlnet..

Course Grade: = 0.2 HW + 0.25 Mid Term + 0.1 Short Project +0.15 Project + 0.3 Final

All grades are stored in the file:


and may be seen by listing the file.

Student names are replaced by id numbers in this file.

Occasional sessions or labbie hours will be held to assist students in the use of Owlnet, Unix, X-Windows, MATLAB and Maple for this course. These are topics that are now covered in some detail in Chbe 303 . The sessions will primarily be used to acquaint you with the use of Maple and the MATLAB programs written for this course.

Any student with a disability requiring accommodations in this class is encouraged to contact the instructor after class or during office hours. Additionally, students should contact the Coordinator for Disabled Student Services in the RMC Cloisters.

If you have any questions about any parts of this course, including all assignments and exams: ask the instructors, or labbies. You are encouraged to do this by visits during office hours and electronically. You may send messages to the instructors to their userids via the Owlnet mail system: and If you do not know how to do this, attend one of the Owlnet labbie sessions to see a demonstration.

Before using the Owlnet system for work on problems in this course, you should type in an xterm window the following:

wsname% register chbe301

You need to do this only once. In addition to then having access to the programs used in the course, you will also see the message of the day when you log into Owlnet. You will also find that you have created a directory called chbe301 that plays a very important role in both Chbe 301 and Chbe 303. This directory is protected so no one except, you, the course instructors and the course teaching assistants may access files in it. You must store all your results used for examinations in Chbe 301 and test problems in Chbe 303 in that directory or in a subdirectory under it. It is a violation of Rice's honor code to store such files in a publicly readable place on the system.

If you decide that you do not want your environment to include that of chbe301, type:

wsname% drop chbe301

Go to the 2005 Schedule

Last modified August, 2005.