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ASTR 201

Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe

Rice University

Spring 2010

Hubble Deep Field

Uwe Oberlack

astr201 <at> rice <dot> edu
HB320 & SS002    Tel: 3640
The Hubble Deep Field
R. Williams, The HDF Team (STScI), NASA

Office hours

Anytime. It is most efficient if you send me email to set up a specific time to meet.


Tu/Th 1:00-2:20 pm     Space Science Building #106
First day of Class: January 12, 2010


This is an introductory course to astronomy for students in academic programs and fulfills Group III distribution requirements (3 credit hours). ASTR 201 covers such fundamentals in astronomy as distances, coordinates, and timekeeping, as well as basic physical principles required for the understanding of astrophysical phenomena, e.g., energy, gravitation, and the physics of light. The focus of this course will be on the structure and evolution of stars and galaxies, and on the structure, origin, and future of the universe, as we understand it today. This course is not part of the requirements for students majoring in Astronomy/Astrophysics, as they take the more in-depth courses ASTR-350/360. However, if you are not sure about your major yet, or if you would like to get introduced to the topic already, this course is a good start. A complementary course, ASTR 202, concentrates on the solar system and planetary science.


This course is using Owl-Space for its main website.



Slides First Class5
After this week, slides will be posted on owl-space!

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