Gavin's Thoughts on the Structure of I Can Almost See the Lights of Home: A Field trip to Harlan County

September 16, 2001

The Basic Structure of this Radio Documentary was the following:

All the sections that I listened to had the following characteristics of structure:

  1. Each Section had an introduction by Allesandro Portelli, the documentor, who has visited Harlan County and documneted their lives and experience for ten years.

  2. The title of each section from the chapters to the movements had their origin from a story that was documented or a song that was recorded

  3. The interviews were often overlapping in the recording, hearing two or three people talking at once, all at different volumes

  4. Each ended with a reflection, of sorts. The themes came back and weaved their way through several sections. The endings were always the thoughts of the interviewer and not the interviewee.


Brought to You by Webmaster Gavin Parks

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