Rice University

COMP 210: Principles of Computing and Programming

Homework Assignments

General Rules

Homework should be done in pairs: Work the problems. Cross check your work. Hand in one copy of the solution.

All homework is due at the start of class on (usually) Mondays.

Homework will be handed in electronically so BE SURE THAT BOTH TEAM MEMBERS' NAMES ARE TYPED AT THE TOP OF YOUR WORK!!

General Dropoff Site (from on-campus only!): ftp://comp210@www.exciton.cs.rice.edu/comp210/dropoff


File Naming Rules

Name your files with the concatenation of the team members' login names with a dash in between, plus "-HXX.scm" at the end where XX is the two-digit homework number.

Example: Mickey Mouse ("mmouse") works with Donald Duck ("dond") work together on homework #6: mmouse-dond-H06.scm

If a homework requires more than one file, "zip" all the files together using gzip or winzip and use the above naming convention, except that the extension would be ".zip" instead of ".scm". Example: mmouse-dond-H11.zip

Failure to use the above naming convention may result in lost files and lost points!

Be sure that the team members' names are INSIDE the files!

If you need to upload a another copy of your homework, add "A", "B", etc to the end of the filename: e.g. mmouse-dond-H11A.zip and then e-mail us (comp210@rice.edu) so we know which file to grade.

Dropoff Instructions

Homework Assignments

  1. Getting to know Scheme (soln)
  2. Conditionals and Structures (soln)
  3. Compound Data Structures-Lists (soln)
  4. More lists, Hand Evaluation, Natural Numbers, Accumlator algorithms (soln)
  5. Family Trees and Lists of Lists (soln)
  6. Family Tree and Functions of Two Non-Trivial Inputs (soln)
  7. local and lambda (soln)
  8. Map, Fold and Visit (soln)
  9. TreeFractals
  10. Generative Recursion: Missionaries and Cannibals (soln)
  11. Final Project: Connect 5

Returned Homework

Homeworks are returned in lab. If you don't get them there, a day or two later they'll show up in Duncan 3142, on a shelf. They'll only be kept for 1-2 weeks before being tossed. If you have questions about a particular hw, contact the labbies in your section.
In marking your papers, your labbies might use some standard proofreader marks.

FTPing with Internet Explorer


Questions about this site should be posted to the class newsgroup.