Comp 210 Information


Note that office hours are subject to change, especially at the beginning of the semester, when people's schedules are being finalized.

Name Email Phone Office Office hours
(* = also by appt.)
Instructor Corky Cartwright cork x6042 Duncan 3104 M 1:30p-3:00p *
Assistant Instructor Zung Nguyen dxnguyen x3835 Duncan 3096 MWF 11-11:50a *
Teaching Assistants Scott Schaefer sschaefe x???? Duncan 3116 12:30-2:30p Th *
Jamie Raymond jraymond x3836 Duncan 3107 Tu 2:30-4:30p *
Cheryl Hom chom x 2740 Duncan 3063 W 4-6p *
Lab Assistants
Sanjeev Verma struan Ryon 102 M 10p-midnight
L. Almagor lalmagor Ryon 102 TBA
Kevin Rammage krammage Ryon 102 Tu 8-10p
Roy Ha rha Ryon 102 M 9-11p
Andy Perez aperez Ryon 102 Tu 7-9p
Purushottam Nagakar synthman Ryon 102 M 8-10p
Jett Jones Ryon 102 Sun 7-9p
Jonathan Mendez jmendez Ryon 102 Tu 10p - midnight


How to Design Programs by Felleisen et al.
Optional (purchase on your own if interested)
The Little Schemer by Friedman & Felleisen
The Seasoned Schemer by Friedman & Felleisen
Other suggested readings

Information Sources

The course has a homepage on the World Wide Web:, as well as a newsgroup, rice.owlnews.comp210. The first lab will introduce you to a netbrowser so that you can access both these sources of info. This homepage contains a syllabus, assignments, (partial) lecture notes, and pointers to other things.


Your goal in this course is to learn the fundamental, enduring principles of computing and programming. Getting a good grade should not be your goal.

A good grade should be the result of learning something; it should not be your primary motivation to take any course at the college level.

Laboratory Sections

There are weekly lab sections held in Ryon 102. Although no attendence is taken, you are responsible for all information discussed in lab. Labs serve three purposes:

Computing and Programming Environment

You must have access to the OwlNet Computer Laboratory, a collection of computers and X-terminals located in Ryon 102, Mechanical Engineering 241, Abercrombie A121, Abercrombie B223, and the residential colleges. Apply for a computer account by typing apply followed by the Return key at any OwlNet computer. Reply to all the nasty questions and read the instructions at the end of the sessions. You are welcome to use your own computer but we cannot provide technical support if you do. You can download the primary courseware -- DrScheme -- via a link from the Comp210 homepage.

Basis for Grading

Your grade for this course will probably be based on: homework (40%), three exams (10%, 20%, 20%, respectively) one final project (10%). Makeup exams will only be granted in emergency situations.


There will generally be one homework assignment per week. The purpose of the homework is to deepen your understanding of the class and lab material and to prepare you for the exams.

You are expected to work in a self-selected, two-person team to complete your homework.

If you feel, for some reason, that you should not work in a team, or if you have problems finding a partner, contact one of the instructors as soon as possible.

You will hand in your homework in hard-copy form at the beginning of class (usually on Wednesdays); the homework guidelines on the course web page describe the expected format for submitted assignments.

LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED without prior arrangement. Graded homeworks may be picked up during your lab session.

Honor Code Policy

Exams test your individual understanding and knowledge of the material. Collaboration during exams is not tolerated.

Homeworks help you understand the material and prepare you for the exam. You are encouraged to discuss the homework problems with the lecturers, teaching assistants, lab assistants, and other students, including 210 graduates. You should collaborate on a homework solution with one other student; (See the discussion on partners under "Homework" above.) Turn in a single joint homework solution with the names of both students on the cover sheet. Your name should appear on exactly one submitted assignment per week: do not submit separate homeworks with different collaborators . All collaborators are reponsible for knowing all the submitted material.

Warning: The exams are designed to test your understanding of the homework material. If you fail to understand the homework solutions, you cannot understand the lecture material and you cannot pass the course.


Any student with a disability requiring accomodations in this class is encouraged to contact the instructor after class or during office hours. Additionally, students should contact the Coordinator for Disabled Student Services in the RMC Cloisters. If you need accomodations for exams, you must speak with the instructor during the first two weeks of class.