
Copyright, Acknowledgements, and Intended Use

Laboratory Course Web Pages


This online lab manual is a publication by B. Beason in the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Rice University, and is the intellectual property of its creator. These policies apply to pages labeled as "Created by B. Beason." Unless otherwise noted, all other materials are the intellectual property of the respective authors, who may have different policies with regard to rights to their web sites.

Users of the course web pages may copy and/or modify these materials for use in their own academic programs. As a courtesy, please notify the author of intended use of any part of the laboratory courses.

Commercial use of any of the materials is expressly prohibited without written permission from the author.


The author would kindly like to thank Bruce F. Cooper, Ph.D. (Linbeck Construction Co.) for the development and design of BIOS 311 and David R. Caprette, Ph.D. (Rice University) for suggestions about this web page.

And many thanks to George N. Bennett, Ph.D. (Rice University) and Janet Braam, Ph.D. (Rice University) for the research projects in BIOS 312 and 313 and to Rachael L. Hanby, B.A. in Biochemistry, Rice University 2002, for her help with development of the BIOS 313 microarray lab module.

Intended Use

These laboratory courses were developed for Rice undergraduates to enhance their learning in the Biosciences Teaching Laboratories. These web pages are used in place of a written manual. Students often must use the results of one experiment to design subsequent experiments.

The experimental procedures and supplemental documents are not intended to be comprehensive. The author hopes that they will be of some use to existing laboratory programs that need to strengthen their teaching labs or as starting material for a new program.

Created by B. Beason (bbeason@rice.edu), Rice University,10 June 1999
Updated 13 December 2012